Christmas Eve

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Mr Min hadn't waited longer than a day before calling on Hope at Hannam, with a proposal that would end all other proposals.

Since then, the village had been alight with wedding plans. But before any date could be set, Christmastide had arrived.

Hope had travelled to Mr Min's home to meet family, and Jungkook would join them in a day. But some urgent business delayed his departure, and so he found himself alone in his grand estate on Christmas Eve.

After putting away the final piece of paperwork, Jungkook stood up and walked to the window, watching light flurries of snow, fall across his land.

And there in the distance, he saw smoke rising from the chimney of Snow cottage, which was something of a surprise, as he believed Jimin had gone to stay with June and Captain Jin for Christmas.

With nothing else to do, Jungkook began his most favourite journey across the fields towards Snow Cottage.

Another surprise came as Jimin himself answered the door instead of a servant. But the unusual event was quickly forgotten as he was greeted with that full smile that forever gave him butterflies.

"Come in" Jimin cheerfully ushered, thankful for the company. He had never really liked being alone.

"I thought you were visiting Mr Min's home" he added, shocked to see Jungkook standing there.

"I am. I had some urgent business that couldn't wait, but I will join them soon. I also thought you would be with your sister" Jungkook replied, following Jimin through a dark silent house.

"Tae is already with them and I will join on Boxing Day. I delayed my visit as the village needed an extra pair of hands to help distribute food to those who will struggle during this season" Jimin stated.

Jungkook felt his heart swell, at being reminded what a kind and good man his neighbour was.

"Here come through to the study. It is the only warm room in the house. I gave the servants time off to spend with their own families. I think I can manage looking after myself for a couple of days at least" Jimin said, finally reaching the room that held most memories for the pair.

A bright atmosphere and cosy fire were so inviting, as Jungkook sat along the couch beside his neighbour.

They chatted comfortably for hours, drank a little, and even played a few hands of cards. Then Jimin stood, suddenly remembering something.

"I have a gift for you". He said, pulling a parcel from his desk drawer.

"It arrived a couple of days ago, but I thought I would have to wait until after Christmas before I could give it to you. It is fortunate you arrived here this evening, " Jimin added.

Jungkook, placed his drink down, then nervously unwrapped the packaging, noticing a sudden quietness from his neighbour, who had become a little shy.

Packed neatly under tissue paper Jungkook pulled out a folded-up robe, dark and silky. He ran his fingers over the smooth material and watched as candlelight reflected across the glossy fabric.

"It's a Hanbok, just like the one I wore when..." Jimin said. His words trailing off, remembering the day Jungkook had kissed him.

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