"What the HELL!?" I hear one of the people yell out.

"Hello everyone! Name is Galaxy Sea!" Galaxy Sea says loudly. I look out and see that the tall fusion had John in their arms. I could also tell that John was excited to see the fusion. I mean They are awesome so who wouldn't?

"Are you like fresh meat?" One of the people asked.

"Im a Fusion Honey." Galaxy Sea said tping john back to us before defusing back to Nightlara and Levin. Leaving everyone dumbfounded. The two came back over smiling brightly as they could. Proud at what they just caused. I mean honestly, I would have been proud as well.

"How much more longer?" John asked through his oversized hoodie sleeves a bit. Just then........

We woke up.

John's P.o.v:

We woke up just after I asked that..... Wow. I donr wanna go back there for a while. I looked at Thomas and Alexander a bit and smiled. They were now halve way awake now. I carefully got up before they started to stretch and I went into the kitchen. I kept my guard up though. I just didn't feel right being alone. Was if because I had boyfriends now? Was it because of the dream virus? No and no. Was it because of the new group of students now on campus looking confused? Maybe.... Wait. A new group of students looking confused on campus?

"Lexi, Tommy, Im gonna go outside for a bit. Looks like some students are confused." I said while putting on my socks and shoes and headed out the door. They said k and that they would finish the food I had started. I knew that one of them was going to watch me while the other cooked but I wanted to help the new students. I walked up to the group a bit with caution but still had a friendly smile on my face.

"Hello there. My name is john. I couldn't help but notice that you all looked confused. Do you need any help with anything?" I asked a bit.

"Oh thank you! Yes we do need some help. We need to find our dorms here. Im just a bit confused on these things." One of the boys- wait Its patton!

"Patton? Patton Hearting?" I asked

"Wait.. John?! ITS BEEN SOOO LONG! HOW HAVE YOU BEEN!?" He asked exitedly.

"I have been better I guess. Who are your friends?" I ask

"Oh, Right you havn't met them yet. Well, This is Roman, Virgil, Logan, Janus, Remus, and Thomas, But we like to call him Sanders..... Because thats his name. We also call him Lord S. Mainly because he owns the house we are staying in. At least when we arent here of course." Patton says.

"Thats cool. Can I call you Sands or TS?" I ask Thomas Sanders a bit

"Um sure? Do you already know a thomas?" He asks a bit. I nodded a bit

"O-one of my roommates actually." I say. I know I was a blushing mess now.

"Seems like he is more then just that. Has Your Sister and-"

"Y-ya. They know about them." I said realising I just revealed that either My 'partner' was either two people or a gender neutral person.

"how.Many?" Patton asked

"T-Two. But enough of that. What are your dorms?" I asked

"Oh ya. We have dorms next to each other. We have 127,128, and 129." Patton says,

"Thats amazing! Im in 122 so Im just a few doors down." I say before we talk and head to their dorm. We didn't mention that Patton is Gaurdia's Cousin three times removed. Or how we knew each other.

"Really? Are you sure?"

"YES! I just made food and there is a whole bunch of it." I say making sure Thomas and Alex knows about me bringing over Patton and his friends. They agreed to having lunch with us so they could meet my boyfriends. We walked the few doors down and I enter into the dorm

"Back and I brought guests!" I say as I let them in side.

"Welcome back and you all are just in time. Food just got done." Lexi said from the kitchen. Tommy came out and showed them around the dorm a little. We all chatted as we ate. Then the news came on.

-----Breaking news: Greyson, Francis and Shadam Has escaped the prison and is now out on frenzy of sorts ----

I could tell Patton froze up as did I. Hopefully, Hosuh wasnt watching this as well. Francis, Shadem and Greyson ( fun fact, that is actually the exact order they had appeared in with the timeline of making the main au idea) were corrupted shadows, each going after one of us. Francis was after me, Shadem after Hosuh and Grey was after Patton. Although if we all had to choose one to absolutely keep away from then, it would be Patton- He could easily be controlled and he is a hybrid which also ment he had a lot of magic. I wonder if his friends knew-? Maybe they do, maybe they dont- Oh well.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2021 ⏰

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