And there it was Rebellion

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3rd POV:

She didn't know where she was, or how did she get here, all she remembers is that she and her master were fighting in the Great Holy Grail War and she was facing against Assassin of Red, her last moment were seeing her master dying, she was ready to accept her end as well, but then she woke up in the middle of a town?

From what she heard from the locals, she was in Fuyuki, luckily she still had her civilian clothes, her red jacket, boots and shorts should do.


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Mordred: "Damn, feels like the Throne just threw us out here." She said to herself sensing the servants.

But as she was walking she started sensing something else, looking around she didn't notice the figure she just bumped into.

Mordred: "Ouch!" She exclaimed as she fell down. "Watch where are you going pal!"

???: "Sorry, you ok there kiddo?" He said as he extended his hand to help the girl.

Looking up she finaly saw the man she bumped into, he had white hair with blue eyes and he was wearing a leather jacket, but the most noticing thing was the chain wrapped around his chest, fuckmothering Duncan Redgrave.

Duncan widened his eyes a little seeing who just run into.

Mordred: "Yeah, just peachy."

Duncan: "You seemed a little lost, you aren't from here are you?" He said playing dumb.

Mordred: "Gee, i wonder what gave it away? Yep just arrived here."

Duncan: "Cheeky remark aside, if you want i could show you around."

Mordred: "No tha-"

She was interrupted by a growl coming from her stomach.

Duncan: "Uh-hu, alright missy, let's get you something to eat first, i know a place where they have some of the best burgers."

Mordred: "Y-yeah... " She said a little embarassed. "Hey, by the way, what's your name or do i just call you old man?"

Duncan: "First, i'm not that old, second the name's Duncan Redgrave."

Mordred: "Duncan... Redgrave, where did i heard that name?" She said to herself. "Got it, my name's Mordred Pendragon."

Duncan: "Ok, now let's grab some of them burgers."

Well what started as just getting some burgers, slowly went to the two going to a rock concert, to going to a motorcycle convention, Mordred was literally drooling seeing the bykes, seeing this Duncan said that has a surprise for her, but much later, at one point they ended up in the mall, don't ask how, even i don't know, but Mordred had an idea, she dragged Duncan in a store that was selling leather jackets, Duncan was quick to catch on so he went and buyed a crimson leather jacket to match Mordred's.

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