Episode 16: Attentively Distracted

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Eda hummed to herself as she practiced her magic. Her curse had been acting up the night before, and she was trying to perfect it once more. Not like Eda would admit it was kinda hard, though.

Lilith was in the kitchen humming to herself. She was doing the massive stacks of dishes that needed to be done.

Luz, oh little Luz, however wanted attention. With Eda practicing magic, Lily cleaning the dishes, and King napping, she didn't know what to do.

But little Luz was determined to get some attention. She stood and wobbled her way to Eda, tugging at her dress. "Eda, Eda!"

Eda still hummed to herself, swaying her hips back and forth causing Luz to lose balance and fall. She landed with a small thump before looking back up at Eda.

She started to whine as she reached her hands out to Eda, still getting ignored. Frustrated and upset, Luz kicked her legs against the ground, signaling a tantrum was about to be thrown.

"Eeeeedaaaaa!" Luz continued to whine, wiping her small brown eyes. Eda finally stopped her motions and looked down at the child.

"What is it, Luz?" Eda asked nonchalantly as she reached down to pick up the child.

She went back to trying to make a circle in the air, mumbling to herself as it kept disappearing.

Luz whined some more, louder this time, wriggling in Eda's arms. Eda, out of instinct and habit, sat Luz down to the floor again, causing the toddler to start crying. Lilith popped her head into the room to see what all the ruckus was about.

"Eda, is Luz okay?" Lily asked, glancing down at the crying toddler.

"Of course she's okay! Now shoo, back to the dishes. I am TRYING to perfect my already perfect magic here."

"If it's already perfect then why-"


Lilith screeched and ducked back into the kitchen as Eda threw a book at her. Luz giggled at Lilith, before turning her attention back to Eda.

Eda was still paying her no mind. Luz used the couch as leverage and stood herself up, wobbling over to Owlbert. She attempted to take him off the staff but was unsuccessful. Instead, he screwed himself off and landed on Luz's head, letting out of chirp of pleasure.

Luz giggled and tried to pick Owlbert up. The small owl chirped and flew to Eda, perching on her shoulder.

Luz made a noise of frustration before picking up a toy. When you shake it, it makes noise and lights up. So Luz, using all of her baby strength – which to be fair, wasn't much – threw the toy at Eda. It didn't travel very far and fell short.

Luz, full upset mode now, stood up and headed to Eda's prized 'wanted' poster. She grabbed Eda's staff and pushed the end into the poster, causing it to fall off the wall with a thud.

Finally, Eda looked back and gasped. Luz dropped the staff and reached for Eda, but Eda ignored her and instead picked up her poster.

"Oh my baby. How did you fall?"

King yawned from his place on the arm of the couch. "Gravity Eda. Gravity." King commented, resting his head back down and closing his eyes again.

Luz watched as Eda made her way into the kitchen, complaining to Lilith about something Luz didn't quite understand. Luz whined again, this time standing and grabbing King's tail.

She yanked King from his spot on the couch, causing him to hit the floor. He held his head as he abruptly awoke. "Ouch! Luz, that was rude!" King said before jumping out of reach.

Luz sat in the middle of the floor, staring at the wanted poster she just knocked down. Everyone seemed to be ignoring her today, and poor Luz didn't know why. She had done everything her little mind could conjure to try and get attention, but nothing seemed to be working.

Suddenly, the owl house door creaked open and Raine shyly walked inside. Luz tilted her head as Raine noticed the toddler.

"Aww, hi again!" Raine gushed, picking the toddler up and cradling her. Luz's little lips curled into a smile as Raine cooed at the baby. Rained continued to smile and laugh at the toddler until Eda walked in.

"Oh! Hi Raine... what are- what are you doing here?"

Eda had her full attention on Raine now, who was bouncing Luz on their hip. Luz was smiles and giggles as Eda came closer.

"Uh- I wanted to see you. And Hooty let me in and- sorry if I wasn't welcome or anything-"

"No, no! You're always welcome. Here, sorry if Luz is bothering you-"

Eda attempted to grab Luz, causing her to whine. Luz clung to Raine with all of her little strength and willpower.

"Oh, she's fine. Don't worry." Raine smiled and bounced the baby once more. Luz smiled and grabbed Raine's ear ring, pulling it to her mouth, bringing their head with it. Raine groaned in pain, gently prying Luz's hand open.

Eda reached for Luz once more. Luz yelled a babble and wrapped her arms around Raine, tucking her face into the crook of their neck. Raine laughed with pure adoration and affection, using their free hand to tickle the child.

Eda smiled at the duo. She loved seeing Luz and Raine happy. And right now? They were both as happy and content as it got.

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