Episode 11: Crossing Coven Lines

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She was tired.

And she couldn't sugarcoat it.

No... Tired wasn't the word. She was exhausted.

In her drunken state, she had collapsed in the nest, the thoughts of the previous night bellowing in her mind.

Gosh, was she tired...

No. She needed to get up. She needed to take to Luz. It was already... half past 5?!

Eda forced herself up, no matter how bad she wanted to collapse.

She rushed into the living room, finding the baby cot empty. No King, no Luz.

Laying on the couch was a small piece of paper with numbers written on it. Eda instantly dubbed it as Raine's phone number.

She picked her crowphone up and dialed the number. It only rang a couple of times before Raine picked up.

"Heyyyyy, Eda. Did I sound okay? Did I sound cool?"

"Raine! Was King and Luz sleeping when you left this morning?"

Eda searched around the house as she talked, fear stricken through her body.

"Mhm. And so was Hooty. I promise I didn't wake him. Are you just waking up?"

"Yes! And King and Luz are nowhere to be found!" Eda pulled the phone away from her ear as Raine started panicking. "HOOTY! Did anyone enter or leave the house?" Eda called to the house demon.

"Hoot! Yes!"


"Hoot! I don't know. But they left with Luz and King. They said their name was... Steve."

"Why would you let them take them?!"

"Hoot! He said there was a fly 20 steps to my left, but I don't have feet, so I went a little too far and got distracted. When I came back, he was running away with them! But it's okay because I caught the fly and it was delicious! HOOT HOOT."


"Eda, I'm coming over. We'll figure this out together, okay?"

"Raine, I have... wait..."

Eda went silent as she thought.

"Hooty! Who was Steve?"

"I'm not talking!"


"Fine! It was Belos's guard! He said that he was just gonna have a playdate with them! Jeez. Hoot. I don't see the big deal. Playdates are fun! I would never restrict someone of them."

"Raine, this is a bigger problem then we expected."


"Lilith, do you know why I called you here today?" The emperor asked.

"No, sir."

"Well, seeing as you are so high up in command, respected, and most importantly, trusted, I will land the task on you. Watch the human child for me. I don't have the time, as I prepare for the quickly approaching Day of Unity."

"Permission to speak, sire."


"What human child do we speak of? And, it is to my knowledge that we still have 13 years for the Day of Unity, do we not?"

"Oh, Lilith. This takes preparation. Lots of preparation, as there are many wild witches to be caught," Belos lifted his hand. "This, is the human child. She is an important key to us. She can lead us straight to the Owl Lady. The worst of the wild witches."

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