Episode 23: Besides, Who Needs Hexside?

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"Come on, Edalyn. She needs to go to school."

"You can stop trying to convince her, Lilith. She isn't going to agree. She's said before that Luz is never going to school."

Lilith rolled her eyes, turning her head to look at Luz, who was on the floor playing with an Azura doll. King lashed his tail as Luz grabbed what seemed to be a snake, and presented it to the demon.

"King, play!" Luz announced, handing the serpent to King.

"Okay, Azura! You asked for it!" King jumped off his spot on the couch and began 'attacking' the Azura doll with the snake. Luz and King used the toys to host an epic battle.

Lilith turned her attention back to Eda, who was sitting cross armed and back facing her sister.


"Ah-ah-ah, I can't hear you!"

Eda stuck her fingers in her ears, detaching her arms and letting her fingers stay hanging from inside her ears.

"Edalyn, cut it out." Lilith pressed, swapping Eda's hands from her ears.

"Hey!" Eda said, screwing her hands back on. She huffed and sat back, resting her head on the back of the couch.

"Luz is 3 years old now, Eda. She needs to interact with the other children. I know you hate school, but who's to say she will? She might enjoy it, and wouldn't her happiness be worth it?"

"Lily, school is not all happy fun times, you know that."

Lilith shook her head and rolled her eyes at Eda's unwillingness to send Luz to school.

"Think about it. She'll be around people her age."

"You know what I don't like about school?"


"Well, yes, that too, but also the fact that they force you to learn magic the 'proper' way. Bleh. Magic isn't proper, Lily. It's – It's wild! And unpredictable! That's what makes it so beautiful. I mean, I didn't finish, and look at me! Who wouldn't envy being a wild witch who doesn't have to conform to anything?"

Lilith grimaced, glancing to Luz.

"She's not like you."

"How dare-"

"She's not cursed, Edalyn. She's not afraid. She's brave, and she – she would excel. She would excel far better than you did. She would make something out of herself. She'll be proud of who she's become when she's older. And it'll be because of you. Do her right, Eda. She's changed you since she's came into your life, so do right by her and send her to school."

Eda thought for a moment, glancing down to the toddler playing on the floor. Luz and King were still fighting it out, laughing and giggling the whole time. Eda groaned as she sat up, resting her elbows on her knees. She only turned her head a bit to partially look at Lilith.

"But, but – what if –"

"And if it turns out to be a waste of time, we'll pull her out and you'll rub it in my face that you were right. But we have to at least give it a shot."

"Maybe you're right." Eda sighed, rubbing her face. "Okay, I'll send her to Hexside."




"Cmon, Bump! At least let her try! She's in preschool, for Titan's sake!"

"Preschool or not, all of our children here need to go through a rite of passage. Every year she'll have more advanced tests to be allowed to keep re-attending, and, well, is she fails those..."

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