Episode 3: Shopping Shenanigans

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Eda groaned, bored and confused as she walked from market to market. Luz played with her fingers, hanging from Eda's torso.

"Shopping for a baby is hard work, huh, Eda?"

"What do you mean? I always shop for you."


"But, yeah. It ain't easy. Especially not with this little trouble maker." Eda ruffled Luz's hair, earning a small giggle in response. Eda smiled. She loves Luz's little giggle. "Actually, make that two." Eda rolled her eyes, picking King up by the collar. "Spit him out." King crossed his arms, spitting a small demon out of his mouth.

"There?! Let me go?!"

"What do you say?"

"I don't wanna!"


"Fine! I'm sorry!"

The small demon tipped his hat, wiping the spit off of him. "Try to not do that again. Ever. Good day lads."

"Stop it now, King. We're shopping for Luz, not dinner. Once she's older, she'll be a big shot at pickpocketing. An extra pair of hands would be useful." Eda turned around, standing behind a witch as they ordered their things.

"Ha ha! You mean that Luz?" King pointed to Luz, who was reaching into the back pocket of the stranger. A shiny piece of metal fell from their pocket and into Luz's small hands. Eda stepped backwards, laughing. Luz cooed, attempting to put the metal in her mouth.

"Hey, that's my girl! I'm so proud of you, kid. Just try and do it in secret next time, alright? If people catch you, they might just call the..." Eda shivered. "Cops."

"Eda, she's like you! She gets distracted by shiny objects!"

"Hey, I don't do that!"

"You do so! And hey, don't look now, but that girl is eyeing you."

King gulped, climbing up Eda's shoulder and hiding behind her hair. A big, scary woman towered over King. Eda growled, putting a protective hand over Luz's head.

"Sister." Eda lowered her eyes as the other woman spoke. King covered his mouth as to not gasp.

"Lilith." Eda hissed. Lilith put a hand over her mouth in shock.

"Edalyn, I had no idea you were a mother! Tell you what, sister. For one day, you don't need to run from the law." Lilith snapped her fingers and made all Eda's wanted posters go away. "I just have to meet my niece or nephew."

"Not a chance, sister." Eda backed away from Lily, grabbing Luz and holding her. Lily used her magic to swap out Luz with King. Lilith held Luz, removing her hat. Luz cooed. Lily was surprisingly good with children.

Lily gasped, dropping Luz's handmade, knitted beanie. Lily grasped onto Luz tighter as to not drop her in shock.

"A human?" Lily laughed slightly. "Where did you even get one of these?"

"Doesn't matter. And she ain't my kid. I'm just, ya know, babysitting. I sure do love kids, afterall."

King titled his head in confusion. "I thought she was our kid?" King whispered to Eda.


"Well, human or not, she is my niece, I suppose. She is pretty cute." Lily twirled her fingers around in front of Luz. Lily used her magic to make a colorful spider toy appear. She gave it to Luz, earning a tiny giggle.

"Which fling was this from? Was she a result of Rain, by any chance?"

"What?! No!"

"Say, what's her name?"

"Luz. Luz Noceda."

"Shame. Luz Clawthorne has a nice ring to it."

King giggled like a little kid. "Does King Clawthorne have a nice ring to it?"

Lily raised an eyebrow, humming. "Uh-huh. Sure. I suppose pets have a last name, too."

"I'm not a pet!" King growled, using his back foot to scratch the back of his head. Eda rolled her eyes, slightly snickering.

"Yeah, not a pet." Eda said sarcastically, snorting.

"Right, well, I must go now. I have important things to tend to. Believe it or not, it hasn't to do with you, Edalyn." Lily handed Luz back. "You're safe, for now. Enjoy your freedom while you have it. Nice to meet you, Luz." Lily smiled, waving to Luz. Lily turned to walk away, but stopped and turned around.

"Oh, and, Eda?" Eda raised an eyebrow. "The emperors coven awaits you." Lily sat on her staff, flying off.

"Yeah, you better run!" King yelled. Eda sighed, rubbing her temple.

"I'm exhausted. Let's go home, King."

"Wow, Eda! I can't believe that was your sister!"

"Well, believe it."

"Oh, little Luz. Just wait till you meet your grandma! She comes around every year, and its almost that time!"

"Grandma?" Eda laughed.

"Well, duh."

And with that, the three headed home.

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