Episode 2: Bad Bedtime Biz

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"WHY IS SHE SCREAMING?!" Eda yelled over the cries.

"I don't know! If I did, she wouldn't be crying!" King covered his ears.

"Quiet baby!" Eda demanded, yielding no successful results. "Please?"

Luz continued to whine and cry, bringing her small fist to her eyes, making a rubbing motion.

"Come on, kid! What's your problem?"

Eda sat down, hugging her knees. "Maybe keeping her was a mistake. We don't know the first thing about raising a kid! King, we just can't take care of her the way she needs, or even deserves."

King patted Eda's hand. "Come on, Witchy. Don't be so down on yourself. Sure, this kid is hard work, but isn't it worth it?"

Eda glanced at Luz, who was still whining, and sucking on her fist.

"And hey! I've never saw the powerful Owl Lady cry before!"

"I'm not crying, King, you filthy cat."

"I'm not a cat! I am your king!"

"But, yeah. You're right. Let's try this again."

Eda stood up, picking Luz up with her.

"Okay, Luz. What's wrong?" Eda stared into Luz's eyes, trying to depict the message hidden behind them.

"Hey, Eda? What if we take her to a baby expert so THEY can tell us what's wrong?"

"King, you genius! There must be tons of human baby experts on the Boiling Isles, right?"

"Hey, what about the news reporter? I heard from a guy, who heard from a guy, who heard from a demon, who heard from a girl, that he used to run a a club, a human appreciation society, when he went to Glandus! He has to know something!"

"Ugh. Glandus, Hexside, I hate school. It's so lame. And boring. And-"

"Eda, he's our only hope."

Eda scoffed. "Don't you worry, Luz. You're never going to school." Eda whispered in Luz's ear, calming her down for a split second.






"So, your human kid won't stop crying?"

King cleared his throat, jumping from Eda's shoulder to the ground. "I heard from a guy, who-"

Eda used her free hand to cover King's mouth. "Stick to the facts."

"-That you used to study humans. And I demand you to tell us what this baby wants!" King cleared his throat once more. "Please."

"Well, yes. I was the founder of the human appreciation society back in my glory days at Glandus High." His son came and tugged on his pants, babbling incoherently. "Not right now, Augustus. Dad is busy."

"Can you help us, Mr Port? We don't know anything about human babies." Eda pleaded. Mr Port took Luz from Eda, raising an eyebrow at the two of them.

"Please, call me Perry. I don't mind. Oh, and a human baby is nearly the exact same as a witch baby."

Eda and King chuckled nervously, sharing a glance. "Well, maybe we don't know anything about babies in general." King commented.

"Will you help us?" Eda asked.

"Please? Eda will pay you!"

"I will?"

"No need," Perry looked at baby Luz. "She's just tired. Pretty obvious, actually." Perry handed Luz back to Eda.

"Great! Call us when she's sound asleep and not screaming!" King attempted to walk away, but was stopped when Eda grabbed his tail.

"Sorry, you guys. I gotta put my own son down to sleep."

King growled unhappily, ready tp launch at Perry's throat. "Thanks for nothing, you good for nothing-"

Eda covered his mouth, shaking her head. "King, stop it. Thanks for your help, Perry."

"Happy to help! Call me if you need anything else. Good luck you two!"






"Okay, King. Let's think. What puts a baby to sleep?"

"More importantly, why wouldn't she want to sleep? I love naps! I just wanna tear apart whoever wakes me up! Especially Hooty! Or-"

"King, we got a crying baby. I don't care about your sleeping issues." Eda closed her eyes. "Wait. Sleeping issues. Maybe it's not that she doesn't want to sleep, maybe she can't."

"Smart! But what puts babies to sleep anyway?"

Eda hummed in thought. The two thought for a few minutes.

"I got it! Lullabies!" King finally said, pumping his fist in the air.

"That'd be a good idea, if we actually knew a lullaby." Eda said, bouncing Luz up and down.

"Well, sing one! Make one up!" King yelled, bouncing up and down himself.

"I'm a witch. How would I know a lullaby?"


"Why don't you sing one?"

"I'm a ferocious demon!" King crossed him arms and turned away. "Not a lullaby singer."


"So... where do we find a lullaby?"

"Hoot! I know one! Hooty hoot, Hooty hoot! Go to hooty hoot!"

Luz started to cry.

"Hooty! Be quiet!"

"Hoot! Fine! Jeez! Sorry! Hoot!"

Eda went silent, lost in thought.

"King. I know one." Eda said quietly. King nodded, turning the lights off. Eda sat on the couch, holding Luz close.

King took a deep breath, holding in a laugh.

"Put your paws where I can see them, King." Eda growled.

"Weh!" King put his paws up by his chest. "Sorry, Eda. Its just funny because you're not... well, the motherly type."

Eda sighed, rolling her eyes. "Why am I doing this?" Eda looked down, seeing the baby rub her eyes.

"Right. For Luz."

Eda inhaled slowly, then exhaled.

"Wolves asleep admist the trees, bats all a-swaying, in the breeze. Birds are silent for the night, cows turned in as daylight dies. But one soul lies anxious wide awake, fearing all manner of ghouls, hags, and wraiths. For your dolly Polly sleep has flown. Don't dare let her tremble alone. My dear dolly, Polly, shut your eyes. Lie still, lie silent, utter no cries. As the witches, brave and bold, paid in coin of gold. He'll chop and slice you, cut and dice you, eat you whole, take your soul,  so go to sleep, with this lullaby of woe."

Eda looked down at Luz, exhaling softly to see the baby fast asleep, her little fist gripping Eda's shirt.

"That was one cryptic and spooky lullaby... I love it! Where'd you learn it?"

"When I was a kid, I always had trouble sleeping because of my curse. It bothered me so much, that it kept me up day and night. My sister would sing that to me to help me sleep." Eda sighed. "You know... moments like these make all of this worth it."

King glanced at Luz, then to Eda. He climbed on to Eda's lap, curled up, and rested his head on Luz's stomach. He yawned, and wrapped his tail around his small body. "It really does, Eda. It... really..." Another yawn. "Does."

Eda glanced at Luz one more time to see her yawn slightly, hiding her face into Eda's shirt. Eda smiled and closed her eyes. Things are starting to feel right.

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