as you were running you see an exit and you continued to run non-stop, not caring if your legs hurt or bleed. you reach your arms out and slam open the exit and see a bright daylight outside. you look up and sigh.

you escaped...or at least you thought you did.

you quickly ran to a strangers home and knocked on their door hysterically. as the stranger opens the door you fall in their home and got up. your anxiety going crazy.

"'ve gotta help me!" you say scared for your life. "whoa! sweetheart! what's going on?" the stranger asks.

before you could answer you saw that the stranger stood still, you backed away and hear a gunshot towards the strangers head. your eyes widened and tears came into your eyes again.

the stranger fell on her knees to the floor face first and you saw deku behind her with a gun pointed from her head. "i found them." deku says from his earpiece.

the villains must've suspected that you tried to escape. you couldn't take it anymore, you ended up fainting on deku's sight.

- f i v e  h o u r s  l a t e r -

you were slowly waking up but you couldn't open your eyes due to how much crying you've been doing. but you did hear shigaraki and deku talking, so you eavesdropped.

"where were they?" you heard the mumbling coming from shigaraki and deku's conversation.

"with a stranger, they were begging for help but i took the stranger out." deku says.

"good. overhaul will be here later on to examine them soon." shigaraki says as he looked at you.

'who's overhaul...?' you thought.

"what do you mean he's examining my doll? no. they're mine." deku says as he gets slightly upset when he heard what shigaraki told him.

"he's just testing to see how much pain they can deal with after putting about 2-4 shots inside them. if it hurts, they're weak for now. if it doesn't, they're still strong enough." shigaraki says as he held onto deku's shoulder.

"fine. whatever." deku says as he shook off shigaraki's hand off his shoulder.

- o n e h o u r l a t e r -

knock knock knock

the villains heard a knock at the front entrance of their hideout which caught deku's and your attention, deku was holding your hand while smiling at you, while you were just looking at him with a long face.

"where's the victim at shigaraki?"

you heard overhaul say and you look at him which caught his attention.

"ah..former villain y/n~" he says as he walks towards you. how did he know who you were?

he continued walking towards you and deku tells him "close enough." and he stays where he was at. "deku. it's alright. let him examine them." shigaraki tells deku.

deku looks at you and you kept looking at overhaul with a look you never had before. deku moved your face to look at him. "it'll be alright doll." he says and kisses your forehead.

deku moves away from you and stands next to toga as the rest of the villains were watching everything.

"this'll just be a quick examine. just to see if you can take the pain or not. fine by you?" overhaul asked.

you couldn't say anything because you were hesitant. overhaul aggressively grabs your face in which angered deku but they had to hold him back.

"i'm going to ask you one more time. is it fine by you?" he asks and you nod and he lets go of you. your face hurting after remembering you had slightly fractured your face from nine's grip.

toxic - v!deku [COMPLETE]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें