
319 18 4

Word count: 3234

Chapter warnings: Mild language, themes


"I mean, you obviously have to negotiate with him." Seonghwa said, practically jumping out of his skin with excitement. "This is insane, Y/N! No one's ever gotten this much out of him! He must like you!"

"I don't want him to like me!" She exclaimed, disgusted. "I don't even want him to know I exist, he's vile, and he deserves to rot in prison for the rest of his life."

"Still, imagine the glory that'll come out of this case!" He insisted, "Plus, the respect?" She hated to admit it, but he had a point there. As a female detective, she was often the butt of sexist jokes in her field. Of course, she was usually quick to shut them up with her sheer margin of results, but winning the Argonaut case... it would certainly be a big deal. A promotion, at the very least. But negotiating with The Killer?

"We can figure it out on our own." She stated. "I can figure it out on my own."

"At least go back and talk to him one more time." Seonghwa begged. "You said you tricked him the first time, you can do it again!"

"I didn't 'trick' him." She shook her head, "He doesn't do things he doesn't want to do. He never has."

"Okay, well maybe another visit will put him in a good mood."

"Or put me in danger."

"Y/N!" The intern exclaimed, practically falling over in exasperation. "It's like you don't want to solve this case! He's the best lead you've gotten in this entire six months, at least follow through until there's nothing left!" When she didn't respond, he added, "You know, you're being a really bad example for me right now."

"You ass." She scoffed, picking up her phone. "I'll set another interrogation for tomorrow. But if I end up dead, the guilt will be on your conscience." He shrugged.

"I can live with that."

The next day, she returned to the prison, much to the surprise of the warden, Yeosang. As he led her down the elevator a second time, he admitted that most investigators, officers, or people of the likes were put off after their first visit. He seemed to have that affect.

"It makes me worry for you." He laughed. "You'd have to be crazy to want to see him again."

"Not crazy." She reassured him. "I just have a job to do."

"Whatever you say." He wished her well once again as he let her off on the bottom floor. His words must be true, though, as for the second time he refused to go any further than the elevator, not even bothering to get off this time. She was much more confident walking the halls this time, now that she knew what to expect. When she opened the door, he was exactly as she'd found him the day before.

"The same clothes?" She asked, taking her seat, notepad in hand. "Don't you do your laundry?"

"They let me change and shower once a week." He explained.

"They move you to a shower?" She inquired curiously. After all the security measures, she found it strange that they'd take him out of his cell for something so trivial.

"No, unfortunately." He groaned. "I haven't seen daylight in months. You see that floor panel?" He pointed. She hesitated to take her eyes away from him, but reminding herself that he was locked up, she looked. Sure enough, there was a neat square cut into the floor. "There's a drain and a rubber tube in there. Every Saturday they come in, lock the room down, strip me, and hose me off, all with a gun to my head." He chuckled. "It's humiliating, really."

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