Hehe... vines. 👌

Start from the beginning

Cherri: I'm in my mum's car! Vroom vroom~!

Mary: Get out of me car!

Cherri: Aw...


Sarvente: Ruv?

Ruv: Shhhhh...

Sarvente: What are you doing?

Ruv: I'm making holy water.

(He's boiling water in a pot)

Sarvente: How is that making holy water?

Ruv: I'm boiling the hell out of it.


(Nene sitting in the bathtub with water in it and clothes on.)

Nene: I'm washing me-self in ma clothes!

Cherri: Oh shi-.

Nene: Beeetch..!

Syameise: She drunk as fuck.

Nene: I'm washing me-self in ma clothes.


(Lovesick AU ig-)

Lovesick Syameise: (strums guitar) I love you, bitch~! (She points at Whitty.)

Whitty: Oh my god... She's too obsessed.

Lovesick Syameise: (strums guitar again) I ain't never gonna stop loving you, bitch~!


Cherri: (laughing) Girl, come look at this, come look at this.

Carol: What?

Cherri: Laf-ee sav-ee-eys (life savers lmao)

(Cherri and Carol start laughing)


Syameise: What time is it?

Whitty: Cooking turkey time?

Syameise: Good. Okay, reach in there and pull it out.

(Whitty reaches into the turkey, pulling out something... long.)

Whitty: What is this..?

Syameise: That's a turkey dick.

Whitty: (Throws it against the sink.) EWWW!!!

Syameise: (Wheezing bc she caught it on video.)

Whitty: OH, GROW UP!!!


Syameise: Where's my chicken?

(Cherri comes out, eating chicken wings.)

Cherri: You mean this chicken?

Syameise: Where's my black hoodie?

(Nene comes in, wearing Syameise's black hoodie.)

Nene: You mean this black hoodie?

Syameise: Where's my boyfriend?

(Carol sits on the couch, cuddling with Whitty.)

Carol: You mean this boyfriend?

(Syameise feelin pissed off as hell-)


(Pico and Syameise have a sleepover or something.)

Syameise: Morning~!

(Pico wakes up, annoyed.)

Syameise: Breakfast! (She holds out a plate of french toast.)

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