Whitty x Tall! Chubby! Vitiligo! Reader ☁️

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Requested by The_Whittiest_Simp


Setting: A School (HELL ITSELF)

Vitiligo: Loss in skin color in splotches around the body.

Characters and ages: Y/n (19), Whitty (20), Pico (19), Gf/Cherri (19), Bf/Keith (19). Yeah basically, everyone is 19-20

I will be calling Y/n a they/them.

Please don't get mad at me for not writing something you'd like...



The name is Y/n and I had been diagnosed with Vitiligo years ago. Other students would give me stares and giggles because of how my condition affected me.

Since I look so different, I had been eating much more due to the constant stress and bullying. My friend Pico would help me out with it but stress has been getting to me and the bullying became worse.

Having vitiligo and getting bullied for my differences is bad enough. I'll add to the list that I'm 9'4. I always stand out in the crowd and I get constant stares. I have to bend down to anyone that talks to me. It's kind of annoying and embarrassing.

To that, I say "whatever" and try to move on.

The good thing is, I got friends by having these things. They would say 'you look cool,' 'you're so tall,' 'there is more of you to like' and stuff like that. I could help them reach stuff on the top shelf and they love the way how I have a heart-like spot on my hand. They think it's cool and cute. I enjoy being useful.

We're getting a new student here. I hope I can be friends with them and they won't join the bullies to start making fun of me.


Y/n's POV

I was sitting down in my seat when the teacher started lecturing another student. Class was boring like always. When they were done yelling at the student, the teacher spoke up.

"Okay, all I have to say is that we're getting a new student. I'm gonna let them come in and don't be rude. They're going to be sitting next to Y/n."

I got stares again and I groaned of embarrassment. I heard the door click and they bent down to get through the door. Their hood was up so I couldn't tell who was under the hoodie. The guy was really tall himself. Maybe as tall as me. They were wearing beige pants, orange and yellow shoes and a blue hoodie. We're probably the same clothing size.

They sat next to me and pulled the teacher asked him to pull his hood down. I saw them hesitate for a bit. What are they- WHOAAAAA!!! THE PERSON HAS A BOMB FOR A HEAD!!! That is so cool. I mean, I did see a couple of people with purple skin so why shouldn't this exist? I heard constant whispers and I could feel the other students' stares at them. I was kinda staring myself

"Whoa..." I whispered under my breath.

They looked over and I immediately averted my stare.

"I'm sorry..." I'd mumble.

He'd shrug and lean on the desk.

"So... what's your name?" I'd ask him.

"...It's Whitty. You?"

His voice sounded a bit like an electric guitar. I felt a slight rush of heat. Maybe it's just the heater... I like this person already.

"I'm Y/n... wanna be friends?"

Wait our school doesn't have a heater-

Time skip-

It became lunch after the bell finally rang. I asked Whitty if he wanted to sit with me and my few friends. He hesitated for a second and said yes! We walked to the table that was most empty, which is our usual spot, grabbed our lunch and B/n (bully's name) tripped me and made my lunch go flying everywhere. I heard laughter echo throughout the area. I'm used to it.

"Pfft- you're so clumsy and blind! Is it your white skin that is blinding you? Then cure it, fat-ass!"


"Oh, sorry but we don't have a cure..."

I groaned and Whitty came up to me and held out his hand. B/n stood back and looked kind of scared.

"N-new guy!"

I could hear the slight fear in her voice. Probably since Whitty is a bomb and could possibly explode at any moment.

"Don't hurt my friend."

I'm a friend to him..?

Whitty helped me up and dragged me off to our lunch table. Cherri and Keith were staring at him. Pico just started talking to me

"Y/n, who is this?"

"Oh, Pico, this is the new student. Whitty, this is Pico, he's Keith and she's Cherri!"

The three started chatting with me joining in every once in a while. For me, I was talking with Pico. It was going amazing until question came to my mind and started lingering.

"Whitty, why did you help me out like that..? Out of all the people, why me? I'm a person with Vitiligo a-and I'm a tall freak! A-and I'm kinda chubby..."

I mumbled the chubby part so nobody could hear it. I'm not so sure about how my body looks...

"It's what friends do for each other. If I'm using the term correctly. I think you look cool. No matter what your skin color is. Plus, I like tall people. Makes me feel shorter."

"You are using it correctly..."

"Huh... 'freaks' like us should stick together. Y'know?"

He gave me a small 10 second hug and a smile so I felt a bit better about myself. Maybe I might try defending myself from B/n...

I could tell we were going to be good friends and the rest of the year might not be that bad!

I got really lazy at the end and my anxiety is kicking in. I hope you liked the story. I'm kinda scared you don't like it... I'd feel better if you gave a bit of positive feedback..! This is still not helping my anxiety...

Total words: 1000

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