Chapter 1

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The loud electronic beeps filled the area of Erox. It was time to get up. I got out of my double bed and made sure not to wake my three year old brother, Ryan. I watched Ryan peacefully sleep for ten seconds. His hair was a brown mess on top of his tan head. My dad groaned and turned over in his large bed. I knew I had to wake him up so he could get to work. I sighed and shoved my father in the shoulder. He didn't budge.

"Dad," I said with no response. "DAD!" I yelled into his ear. He grunted painful. "Work time!" I souted in his ear.

"I know." he mumbles and pushes himself up. I looked at his green eyes that we shared along with pale skin and black hair. I shake my head and run to the closet to get my clothing. I take out my usual- plaid shirt and comfy jeans.

"Don't forget your dress, its Choosing Day." Dad says while getting up slowly. Right, I forgot. Mari, my best friend, and I had been talking about it all week. I remembered that I had to meet her in front of school today. I took my white cotton dress off the hanger and got ready to go.

I met Mari in front of the tiny wooden door school. She smiled as she saw me approaching. If I had a camera, this would be a perfect picture. It looked like a happy short brown haired girl in a red cotton dress that matched the waking sky with black buildings aligned in the background. I smiled too capturing the scene. It was the last time I will see it again.

"Are you nervous for Choosing day?" Mari asks.

"Not really, I know I won't be chosen." I say. Mari nods. We push the doors into the single classroom.

"I heard they were thinking about minimizing the number of people this year." Mari says. She always gets background info because her dad is a doctor, in fact he was 3rd doctor in command for the near sighted cure. Mari nearly bursted with excitement when she told me the news.

"I'm so glad it's a half day," I say and sit at one of the rickety tables. Mari takes the seat beside me. Six other students sit at the tables. Then, all is silent.

"Welcome everyone," Ms. Sacal says. "Today, as you all know is choosing day." She then drills on about how we must be happy with what ever happens and how to be on our best behavior when we go to the center of Erox to watch the Choosing. Mari and I whisper to eachother.

"They say that Ms. Croc is going for insanity," Mari says. Ms. Croc is an old crazy lady everyone picks on. I nod like I'm listening. I never say anything about her because of one reason.


It was midnight on Christmas day. Cheap decorations strung the town. The few families left were leaving to go home. I was walking home from Mari's house. My family was already there. I strolled through allyways that I knew so well. Each step echoed making a chorus of footsteps. I skipped trying to make a steady beat. I was going really good until I heard terrible sobbing. I stopped abruptly. I knew it was dangerous at dark because of the low lifes in the city. I stared at the end of the ally way where a shadow of a woman stood in the weak light of the tear drop shaped street light. Her sobbing was mournful and depressing. I slowly walked up to hear. Her wrinkled skin was shiny with wet tears. Her dirty clothing had blotches of teardrops. Her left hand held a photo. It was crinkled from her grabbing it.

"Ms. Croc?" I said quietly. The sobbing turned to sniffling. She gazed at me for two seconds and then uncurled the photo. It was of a man in his fifties maybe sixties. He was smiling and stood in front of Ms. Croc's house. Ms. Croc began to sob again. I reached an arm around her and patted her. It felt odd to touch her, my fingers sparked at the feel of soft cloth. Her whole body shook. it was quite a sad scene.Her sobbing seized again.

"Was he your husband?" I asked unsure if I should even ask. She gazed at me again and slowly nodded. "Do you miss him?" She nodded again. Then, tears fell silently along her cheeks. It was even more worse than the terrible sobbing. It was so sad I wanted to cry too but kept myself together. I leaned in and gave her a hug. She hugged me back that made me think she wished she had children. I let go and nodded. She stared at my eyes. I began to walk away and then I ran. I still felt those helpless eyes gazing after me.

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