Chapter 17: The truth comes out at last pt 2

Start from the beginning

Bella cleaned her dagger from the ground then put it near her shoe and it practically turned invisible! No one would have guessed that there was a dagger in her shoe. She went further and dragged the other man out, with a dagger pierced straight to his heart. And to imagine she threw the dagger without even looking at his direction. I shuddered. She pulled out the dagger from his heart in one swift movement as I flinched. Sam did too. She cleaned the second dagger as well and then turned abruptly. "I'm sorry, I don't want to cause you pain. You guys can go. I'll be back." Filthy bloodsuckers!

No one moved. What now they don't need to be careful around the human as well?! She then moved her hands around, similar to how the first man did but this time the bodies were lifted as a grave was dug by invisible hands. She buried the bodies and stood up. Well, at least she had the curtsey to bury the dead! As Bella turned, everyone began speaking at once. Bella raised a hand and silence fell. The leader then spoke, "Bella, why...y-you?", he stuttered. I felt like snorting. Hadn't he killed before? Why was he so fazed by it. Same for the rest of them. Especially the mind reader. He still hadn't recovered.

Bella's face didn't change one bit. "If you had been forced to bare the burden of thousands of lives only because you refused to kill 1 soldier, this wouldn't faze you either. Cold-blooded murder. That is what people would consider this to be. To me, I'm just protecting my people.", she said darkly without humor. Sam and I seemed to backtrack at that. What did she mean? Was she an actual real life princess? Well that would explain Ben calling the armies, the wars, protecting people. But the princess of where? She sure wasn't human but I don't think they would be able to hide an entire kingdom, however much they try. I was astonished that the mind reader hadn't detected us yet. Well guess his power doesn't work properly.

Just as that thought crossed my mind, I heard him snarl, looking straight in our direction. Shit, guess I spoke too soon. The rest looked in the direction he was looking in and instantly spotted us. Sam howled. Jared and Paul would be here soon. We sure needed their help because we were heavily outnumbered. The big one growled as well. We growled right back. The blonde then spoke, "Come out. You're outnumbered. It's not use running away like cowards! You've broken the treaty!"

That is when the leader stepped in and said, "Calm down everyone. I'm sure they have an explanation. Let's hear them out first and try to avoid a fight as much as possible." Sam and I had no choice but to reveal ourselves. As we walked out Bella looked sceptically at me. "Jacob. Why are you here?"

We don't trust you leeches. We won't phase back. You're a mind reader. Use your gift to translate bloodsucker! Sam thought, obviously aimed at the bronze haired one. "We don't trust you either mutt!", he snarled back. We only came here to make sure you haven't breeched the treaty in anyway. We know Bella isn't human. There were talking about wars and killing a certain king and queen in the middle of the woods for God's sake! What else do you expect us to do leech? I thought.

"Well for starters, you could 'not' break the treaty!", he said while the others looked confused. Bella looked pointedly at us, Cleary irritated by something. We have people to protect bloodsucker, unlike you filth! Sam fired. "Well, hold on. Can we please hold a civilised conversation here! Stop with the derogatory terms! I get it. The need to protect your people and I honestly don't blame you for coming here but you could surely learn some manners!", Bella interjected.

But hold on, how did she know what we said. The mind reader didn't tell them anything yet. "What are you talking about Bella!?", the big one asked exasperated. Bella just shook her head, still looking at us but this time with a look of understanding. It didn't make sense. Was she also a mind reader? She just smirked. "Now that the cat's already out of the bag and there is no way to hide this anymore, let me tell you this. You are right in your assumptions that I am not human. But I am something, you might never even have dreamed of so I would suggest you turn around and leave.", Bella said way too casually for it to be a joke.

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