Chapter 12: The mating bond

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When we finally stopped laughing we talked for a while. When I was sure Ben and Charlie were asleep, I decided to tell him about the mating bond. I didn't want Ben's supernatural hearing to hear this conversation.

"Edward...", I began. "There is something I want to tell you...", He looked at me questioningly, obviously thinking what else there was that I haven't told him yet. I sighed. "Edward my kind, both witches and Faeries have a something called the mating bond. A Mating Bond is a special and very rare bond between two individuals. It is higher than the bond between a regular married couple and is considered very sacred. We are able to sense our mates, in most cases after we've met them or after a significant event. And..."

I took a deep breath. "The mating bond between us has been formed." He looked at me for a moment before pulling me towards him and kissing me. I kissed him back of course. When he finally ended the kiss, he looked at me, love shining in his every feature. He was practically glowing with love and adoration. I couldn't help but return the same. "I love you", he whispered. "I love you", I replied.

After a few minutes of cuddling and peppering me with kisses all over my face, he asked me with nothing but curiosity in his voice, "When did it happen?" I sighed. I was dreading this part. I knew he would be hurt I didn't tell him earlier. "It happened that day in Port Angeles. When we were driving back and you finally admitted that you were a vampire. I suddenly felt the pull towards you. At first a didn't realise what was happening but then I felt what you were feeling. I felt every emotion you felt with each and every word you said. That's when I knew. I was still trying to figure it out when you asked me to never say that it was too late. The pain I felt than was almost unbearable. That was the exact moment I found out that you were my mate."

He looked astounded. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. I just thought that if you wouldn't get involved with me, you will be able to have a normal and safe human life. I didn't mean it like that.", he whispered. "I know Edward, it's ok. It was a long time ago. We're together now.", I said smiling.

Then he asked curiously, "It was that early on? And what did you mean by you could sense my feelings and thoughts?" I replied slowly, "The mating bond creates a mental bond between the two individuals. So we can feel each other through that bond. I had decided to be very careful of my mental shields from that day until the day I could tell you the truth." He was quiet for a few minutes. I was worried he would be angry with me because this was something he deserved to know even more than about me not being human. "Are you mad at me? For not telling you sooner?", I asked in a small voice feeling guilty now.


Woah! This was...I was ecstatic. I had always believed that Bella was my mate and now the mating bond, it proves that we are meant for each other. This is just amazing.

What's more interesting is the mental bond it creates. Bella has been able to feel my emotions all this long? I didn't know that at all. This means I might be able to finally read her thoughts and feelings as well!

"Are you mad at me? For not telling you sooner?", She said softly. I looked up then. I realised I was so busy with my inner monologue that I didn't respond to what she said, giving her the false idea that I was angry with her.

I pulled her close to me. "I'm not mad at you. There's nothing to be angry about. I am completely ecstatic. This is one of the best moments of my life. I love you, baby.", I crooned in her ear.

She just smiled and snuggled closer. "I love you too. But still, I'm sorry. You deserved to know at least this part.", She whispered. I just kissed her forehead and pulled her closer, sending my wordless message that she was forgiven. She smiled and snuggled more closer than I thought humanly possible...not that I mind it. I smirked.

After a while, "Do you want to learn how to use that mental bond right now?", she asked eagerly.

"Of course I want to. But you need to sleep, love. We can do that tomorrow.", I replied.

She shook her head and said, "Being cross-species, I only need about 2-3 hours of sleep a day. I sleep for the average amount of time a human sleeps because it helps me escape for a couple of hours. I don't need to sleep that long."

"Oh, if you are sure, alright then.", I smiled.

Immediately, her eyes twinkled with excitement. I would give away anything just to see this happiness with which she was practically glowing right now. "Ok. Now close your eyes. This may be a little difficult for you since you are not Fae but I'm sure you'll do it. Now, try to tune out all the thoughts you are hearing and focus on my voice. Only my voice. Calm your mind and lose all conscious thought. Keep your mind occupied with only my voice.", She said eagerly.

I did as asked. Focusing only on her voice was not difficult. I could sit and listen to her voice for an eternity. Not listening to mind was a little difficult since the hum was there even if I tried not to hear the thoughts of people around me.

"Now, try to find an opening in your mind. Some kind of a gate. Concentrate on my voice and try to open your mind."

I didn't really understand what she meant by that, nonetheless I tried to follow what she said. Nothing happened. I tried again. Still no result.

And then suddenly, I was plunged into darkness. I couldn't see anything for a while before a sharp light came into view. The ball of light took shape and I saw Bella standing in front of me. She raised her hand towards me, wanting me to come to her. I walked towards her and just as I was about to hold her, she turned towards the right and walked forward. I followed her until I came to a dead-end. There was a wall surrounding the area.

I pushed against the walls. Nothing happened. Bella looked at me urging me to try again. I pushed harder and harder until it revealed huge magnificent gates, like those of various manors in the nineteenth century. As soon as I pushed the gates open, I saw Bella smile and then vanish.

I wanted to find her but there was no way I could in the surrounding blackness. So I walked out of the gate to find a bridge, at the end of which I found another set of gates.

I walked towards it and pushed. Nothing happened. I stood there staring at the gates when they opened up suddenly and I walked inside.

Edward did it much more easily than I thought. I should have known that to lead him in the right direction I just needed to use my legit animo or daemati powers. (A/N the term used in Prythian for people who practice legit animo) That boy will follow me even to the pits of hell. And what's more amazing is that this boy is MINE. I stiffled a giggle at my possessiveness.

Then I felt the push against my shields and opened them. Edward walked into my mind. Now that he had opened up his mind completely, I felt the mating bond much stronger than before. I felt his excitement and curiosity as he looked inside my mind. I smiled.

I think this was enough training for the first time. So I pushed him out and closed my mind to him. A few moments later, he opened his eyes, seeming a little dazed but his eyes were glowing with affection. He looked so adorable.

I smiled at him and he pulled me close. "That was amazing! I felt what you were feeling. I heard some of your subconscious thoughts.", he said excited.

I nodded. "Your talent is reading minds. If you would have been Fae then you could have been one of the most powerful daemati, I'm sure. Daemati is the term given to legit animos in the Faerie world. So that is what helped you to do this so fast. You would have had more trouble if you couldn't read minds. We'll do this again soon. You won't have to make much conscious effort to maintain you shields because being vampires your mind is already partially protected. That's why I could feel and hear only some of your thoughts till now. I'll teach you how to strengthen your shields."

He seemed fascinated and then after a moment said, "Yes, your Highness." I smacked him in the head and he just chuckled. I laughed along. This truly was a perfect day. Little did we know the coming week might be last couple of peaceful days we might ever encounter...

(End of chapter 12)

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