Chapter 1: The truth comes out at last

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Hii:) I know I've got another story already on the go but I just got this idea and couldn't let it pass. I'll continue with Dawn simultaneously as well.

Anyways, from the title you know that Bella is a witch. This book is set at the end of Twilight book1 after prom and everything. And no, I do not include New Moon's plot here because Edward leaving was something I absolutely hated and all the regret that came with it is too much for me to handle. So you might have guessed, New Moon is my least favourite in the series.

So let's get started :)


I was terrified, not knowing what to do, how to do. I had to tell the Cullens my true identity. Would they hate me for not telling them sooner? Seems likely. Even though I figured out their secret long ago but they did trust me for keeping it a secret. Yet, I couldn't tell them my secret. It was unfair to them. I grimaced. I had pulled up my mental shields and maintained them in place in such a way that for now even Alice wouldn't be able to see my future. I did not want Alice to know beforehand because I knew she'll freak and then Edward would read her mind and I wouldn't have a chance to explain.

By now she must have freaked out when I suddenly vanished. I decided before she totally lost it, I'll call her. As soon as I picked up my phone to dial her number, she called me. I sighed and picked up. "ISABELLA MARIE SWAN! Where the hell are you? Get down here RIGHT NOW! Your future suddenly disappeared. You are freaking me out. Edward got so stressed out he ran out to find you immediately after I realised.", Alice yelled.

"Calm down sis, I know my future disappeared. I need to tell you guys something and I did not want you to know beforehand. I'm on my way to your house. Go find Ed and get him in the house.", I tried to explain. "You-what? How did you know that and what the hell do you want to tell us?", she was still pissed off. "I'll explain it Al. Just wait for me to get there. I'm almost there."

"Fine", she huffed. I reached the house a little while later. Before I could even cut the engine, Edward had my door open and he was holding me tightly to his chest. "What happened love? You disappeared. Do you have any idea how worried I got?", He whispered. I leaned into his touch and replied, "I'm sorry I didn't mean to freak you all out. I needed to talk to you about something."

He looked at me skeptically. I sighed and walked inside. Everyone was seated on the living room. The loveseat by the window was empty, I assumed was for Ed and I to sit on. Edward sat down, with me on his lap and his arms around me. "Alice told us you wanted to talk about something. And that for some reason your future disappeared but you seem to know why. Well you can begin.", Carlisle told me.

I nodded but I was still nervous. Because of my terror and nervousness I lost grip on the extra protection I added to my shield but snapped it back up in less than a second. It wasn't long enough for Alice to see anything but certainly long enough for Jasper to feel my emotions. I knew this because the next moment Jasper said, "Bella, we are your family. You know you can tell us anything right? Why are you so nervous and afraid?" He looked at me questioningly. all eyes were on me.

I sighed and said, "Before beginning, I want you all to please keep an open mind and listen to everything I have to say before coming to conclusions." Everyone nodded. Well, guess it was time for the truth to come out at last. "All of you are a big part of my life. You trusted me with your biggest secret. You told me everything. While I lied to you all. So many times before. Just like your secret, I have one too. One that I never until now told you. Not that I didn't trust you. I trust you with my life but this was something I couldn't tell you without permission to do so. All this while I have been dying to tell you and not to lie to you anymore but I didn't have a choice. But after speaking to certain people about whom I will tell you soon, I was allowed to share my secret with you.", My eyes were stinging now. It won't be long before a few tears escaped.

Esme said, "Don't worry Bella. No one will say anything to you. Whatever it is I'm sure you had your own reasons to hide it. Please don't cry dear." I love her so much. She knew just the right thing to say I smiled at her.

"I-Well I am not human.", I paused to let it sink in. "What do you mean, love? You seem plenty human to me.", Edward said. I looked at everyone once before deciding that beating around the bush hasn't helped anyone. "I am a witch." Everyone gasped...

(End of Chapter 1)

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