Chapter 11: Any questions?

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I was speechless and so were the others. Wars, bloodshed, allies, enemies, Death. I couldn't wrap my head around all the things Bella faced in her life. The pain, the hardship, the responsibility. It sure was hard. But Bella was strong throughout. I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride although fear accompanied it, I was awestruck by Bella's strength, both emotional and physical. 

It was amazing how casually she spoke of it even now. To me they sounded very threatening but I supposed for someone who lived through it, they were just stories of the past, a horrifying past though nonetheless. Now that she told us about Ithaca and Prythian, we were all very eager to see these places and meet the people she mentioned. She told us she would take us there soon and I couldn't wait.

I wanted to be part of Bella's life completely, be it the past, present or future. She was mine and I was hers. We were the one and the same and I wanted to live through everything with her. Her kind-or rather her 'kinds' were completely different yet extremely similar as well. From what I heard, Ithaca and Prythian have strong ties and are great allies. She told us some more details like some of the people in her kingdom whom she had grown close to and she had assured us that we will meet them soon and about the seven High Lords of Prythian, Rhys, Helion, Thesan, Kallias, Tarquin, Beron and Tamilin along with the High Lady of the Night Court, Feyre.

After she told us about them she asked, "Any questions?" She said that so casually as if asking about the weather rather than asking us questions about one of the biggest bombshells she dropped. Naturally, we all wanted to know some more things so we nodded. I went first.

"Yesterday, when you stopped the arrows that were about to hit me, you looked horrified on seeing those arrows. Normal arrows won't hurt me so were they some sort of magic arrows?", I asked. She seemed a little hesitant but answered, "They were arrows tipped with wolfsbane and would have been fatal if they hit you. It would have paralysed you and caused pain which would have been almost as bad as the pain of your transformation. Vampires, werewolves along with some other species could be fatally harmed by wolfsbane. Similarly faebane is another poison which can completely remove any faerie's powers for a certain time depending on the amount on faebane in your system.", she explained. "Oh. Thanks for saving me then.", I grinned at her and she smacked me on the arm with a grin on her face. I looked over at Ben who looked a little guilty even though he still wasn't entirely comfortable with us. "Er...about that... I'm sorry Edward. I thought you guys were attacking my sister and I had some wolfbane with me so instinct to protect her took over and I shot those arrows.", he said, remorsefully. I smiled at him, "I understand. You were only trying to protect her. I would have done the same. I should be happy that there are so many other people apart from me and my family who are looking out for her." He grinned back at me, relieved. 

"Bella, could you tell me about some of the other weaponry you use in battles? It is really astounding that a single arrow could be so fatal." Jasper had the Major Whitlock mode on right now. I sighed. Bella replied saying, "Actually Jazz our weapons are much the same as the human weapons. Only difference is that they are a lot more strong and durable. They can be covered with some kind of poison fatal for one or another species but that is not so common. However weapons made of ash wood can possible kill faeries. Even if a human fires an ash wood arrow at us it will be very easy for the faerie to die. Me, being half-witch, ash wood only injures me bad enough to make me unable to access my powers of a faerie. I can still use my witch magic to fight back. Also people believe that iron is also fatal to the Fae but it is just a misconception. Iron doesn't really do anything to us." Jasper's eyes were wide. He seemed slightly unnerved by this. I was scared too, ash wood was very dangerous and even though it didn't affect Bella as much as it did to the other Fae, it was still frightening.

"What was that vanishing thing you did so many times? Like you just teleported somehow?", Emmett asked excitedly. Bella just grinned. The next second she vanished from lap and was standing beside Emmett. Bella smacked him in the head and the next instant she was back in my lap. Em was surprised for a moment and then burst out laughing. His laughter was contagious and we all laughed along. After the laughing fit was over Emmett said, "yea that thing you just did." Bella replied, "That is called winnowing and that is exactly what you called it, teleportation, in a way. It is a much faster way of travel though the distance depends on how powerful you are." Emmett looked impressed and I tried to suppress a chuckle at his childlike face with a twinkle in his eye.

After that it was time for Bella and Ben to go back. I went with them. Bella suggesting winnowing would be faster. She asked me to hold her hand and not let go no matter what. I obliged. Bella winnowed me back and Ben winnowed himself. It was a very weird experience. Dark shadows obscured us and I felt a tingling sensation throughout my body. Before I had the time to adjust to the tingling, we were already in the forest near Charlie's house. Bella explained that there were wards around the house which prevented winnowing in and out of the house itself. The visit with Charlie was pleasant. He was happy to see Ben after such a long time and so was Ben. Bella just smiled at them both. 

We sat down on the couch and began talking. A few minutes later Charlie asked Bella, "So you've told your vampire the truth I see. Renee must have given you permission." I did not miss how Charlie said your vampire and I liked the term. I surely was Bella's vampire. *smirk* *wink*  Charlie had been wary of Bella dating me in the beginning but eventually began trusting me. I grinned at him. Bella told us that she knew we might be vampires from the beginning and Charlie also guessed the same. But they had never encountered golden eyed vampires before so they weren't sure. Charlie didn't really know us much so he didn't try to investigate but was on his guard. Bella giggled, most probably because of the your vampire  comment and nodded. We chatted for a bit and then Bella excused herself saying she was sleepy and I told Charlie, I was going back home when Charlie stopped me.

He said with a sigh, "No need to lie kid. I know you stay in Bella's room each night. I'm not stupid. And you don't need to explain yourself. For one I know you are a little old fashioned and second Bella is old enough to understand these things on her own. You can go upstairs, I don't mind.", he winked at me. He could barely contain his laughter at my jaw dropping to the floor. "WHATT?", Bella shrieked from upstairs. Apparently Charlie kept this knowledge to himself until today. She ran down, red in the face and stood in front of Charlie with crossed arms. 

Ben looked about ready to roll on the floor laughing. I didn't even have it in me to even glare at him right now. I would have blushed if I was able. I mean what do you respond to your girlfriend's dad when he says that its ok if you spend the night in his daughter's room. And although the situation here was a little different, I was speechless. Charlie had also stopped trying to hide his laughter. Bella and I just stared at the two of them not knowing what to say. Finally Charlie calmed down enough to speak. "Your faces are priceless. Don't worry. Just pretend I still don't know and go before I start laughing again.", He grinned.

Without wasting another second, we shot upstairs not wanting to be embarrassed further by Charlie. We heard laughter from downstairs which we tried to ignore. When we were safely in Bella's room she said, "That was..." 

I said, "That was..."



"-yea I agree-"


And then we started at each other for a moment before bursting out laughing as well.

(End of Chapter 11)

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