Charlie kissed her forehead and went to make a fire for her. "Anyway besides this Umbitch woman, tell me what's been going on." He said, smiling at her laugh when he said the nickname.

"Well actually-" she started to say but the door busted open, Sirius and Remus frantically looked around.

"Caught you!" Sirius shouted, panting slightly, but his faces dropped, looking from where Olivia sat on the bed and Charlie was by the fireplace.

Remus smacked his arm. "See I told you, that nothing was going on you prat. But you insisted on being an overbearing uncle." Lectured Remus. "Sorry Ollie, I tried to stop him."

Olivia just looked at the men with a odd expression but busted out laughing. "I don't know if I should laugh how Padfoot just busted in the door or how disappointed he looks now." She teased her uncle.

"I don't want no funny business happening, I was young once too, I know how guys think!" Sirius said narrowing his eyes at Charlie, earning another smack from Remus.

"Could you cut it out!" Remus said

"While you both are here, you might as well and come in. Close the door behind you, I've got something I want to show you three." Olivia said gesturing for them to join.

Charlie got the fire going and stood by the men, facing Olivia. She stood up herself but put some space between her and them.

"Okay, you ready?" She asked and they nodded.

When Olivia shifted into her animagus form, Sirius' jaw dropped, Remus looked confused, and Charlie was so shocked from what he witnessed.

"You sneaky little thing! You-you-" Sirius rambled

"Done what you did in school!" Finished Remus chuckling.

Olivia flew and sat on her uncles shoulder and peaked him in the head. "Ouch, stop it! Evans- this is so wreckless!"

"You hypocrite! You have no room to talk! You did the same thing in school!" Teased Remus.

The door opened up swiftly, "Ollie, I was-" said Harry coming inside, stopping when he took in what he was seeing. "What's going on? Why's Fawkes here?" He asked gesturing to the phoenix.

Remus was the smartest one to go along with it, "Oh he was just delivering a letter from Dumbledore, you know Order business." He said

"Yeah yeah! Order business!" Agreed Sirius. Charlie had was still shocked, was speechless.

"Oh okay, have you all seen Ollie? I was looking for her to ask her something." Harry asked.

"Nope" said Remus.

Sirius was shaking his head, "Me either maybe you do Charlie?" He elbowed Charlie in the ribs.

He grunted and cleared his throat, "Oh yeah, I think she said she was in the bathroom." He answered.

"Okay, well will you let her know I'm looking for her." Said Harry.

"Sure thing," said Charlie, as Sirius and Remus awkwardly waved bye to Harry. He returned it when a confused waved back, before closing the door.

Olivia flew back to the floor and shifted, laughing so hard that she was doubled over. "You should have seen your faces!" She said through a fit of giggles. "That was priceless!" She said calming down. "Oh gosh, I needed a good laugh."

She heaved out a breath, "Remus why didn't you just tell Harry?" She asked.

"One because I was thrown off, and two because the less people that know the better. You're unregistered animagus, it's enough to deal with Sirius being one." He explained.

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