ミChp.16 slow run to being offical꧂

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Sap pov꧂
I carry my little bottom down stairs as he's marking my neck I watch him caruefully and loving it as I take him back to the same spot we've consently cuddle on, he took his head of my neck smiling at my newly marked neck, as he rests for the arm that typically had the bracelets on it but didn't this time.

He then started to fiddle with the sleeve of my hoodie, that was actually his, as his head reasts on my shoulder as I lightly ruffle his hair.

"You are loud as hell" Gorge said annoyed.

"Mmm somebody is hot as hell while getting fucked, not to mention the hoodie" I say as Dream was blushing  hiding in my neck.

"Oh I'm not talking about Dream I'm talking about you Sapnap" Gorge said.

"Mmm~ oh cool I don't care if I'm loud, I fanilly have the person's love I wanted the most" I say as my bottom clinged onto me.

"Mmm so what you jealous that you lost me Gorge?" Dream said curling his fingers into my hair.

"That's utterly ridiculous!" Gorge said.

"You did try to force kiss  him so I'd say you are" I say melting into into Dream touch slightly.

"Uh I'm sorry  but you tried to force kiss him Gorge that's fucked" Mar said as her wings ascended by her.

"Mar chill, no need to go bat" I say petting Dreams head lightly.

"Wait how the hell did grow wings?" Gorge said.

"Fun story the oppsites are real, except I became there prison" Mar said quitly.

"Mhm" I say.

"Gorge you try that again I can tell your wind up six feet under, probably burned to" Mar said.

"Anyways I was thinking we could do a stream?" Dream said.

"Yeah sure" Gorge said.

- 1 hour later -

We were getting ready to start  streaming, I had my dirty blond scaurlly  on my lap with my bracelets on the arm that was around him so he wouldn't fall off, he was distracting me from doing the slow run stream I was doing, I constly looked over to him being utterly adorble fiddling with my bracelets or breathing his hot soft breath on my neck, both causing my dick to twitch, everytime I looked at my pretty boy he had a dark smirk.

I mute rq "mmm what is my pretty boy  thinking in that pretty mind" I say as I contuied to move across the screen.

"To tese my lovey needy boyfriend, I fell you twitching" Dream whispered sudactively in my ear, running his hand down my chest.

"You can do that later baby, but for now let's not touch my dick" I say grabbing his hand kissing it before sitting it on my shoulder.

"Mmm Alright later I'll deal with your twitchy dick Sappy" Dream whispers making me more needy then I was.

"You know your so pretty on my lap~ and I just can't help twitching at the sight of you in my grasp" I said "something I thought I'd never have".

"Hello? Dreamie Sapmap? You here, I know somebody is Sapmaps avatar moveing on stream" I hear Gorge say.

I unmute "Oh darn the mute hot key" I say.

We contuie to stream, Me cuddling the bottom on my lap the whole time, while failing at doing worlds and "well finsh that later" excuses.

My bottom as just embracing my neck with those lips, as I see we've been streaming for 3 in a half hours.

"Alright were ending stream" I annoce.

Dream said a muffled goodbye cuddling me closer, Gorge said goodbye aswell. I ended the stream looking at my bottom.

"S..sapnap what are we in reality we never actually made it official" Dream Said quietly.

"Mmm if you wanna be I'm down" Sapnap said kissing Dreams cheek  ruffling his dirty blond hair.

"Yeah! I wanna be yours officaly" Dream said quitly as Sapnap looked at Dream.

"Mmm~ then it's done baby" Sapnap said flirty like.

We hear Gorge scoffed from his mic "mmm I forgot you were here, suck it Dreams mine" Sapnap said.

Well thats the end of this Dreamnap book!

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