Chapter 12: Harper

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"Guys!" I called Adam and Carson who were chatting.

"Yes?" Carson asked.

"Time for dinner!" I told them. I was hungry.

"Let's go wait for food," Adam said and got up.

"Let's go!" Carson said and pulled Adam with her. We all walked down the hallway from the back lounge to the front lounge.

"I'm going to go tell Carter since he's in our room," Adam said and left.

"How was your afternoon?" Carson asked.

"It was good. Carter came out and we played cards," I told her.

"Who won?"

"I did."

"Excited to go home tomorrow?" She asked.

"I am but I'm also sad to say bye to you guys," I told her.

"It's sad but exciting," Carson replied.

Soon enough the boys came and sat down at the table.

"Did you miss me?" Carter asked.

"No," I said and Carson just glared at him.

"Y'all are rude," Carter said, putting a hand over his heart.

"Did you miss me?" Adam asked.

"Of course," Carson said.

"Nope," I said and Adam just laughed.

Soon enough our names were called up for dinner. I got my food and took my seat again. Carter and Carson changed seats so that she was now sitting next to Adam.

"They are so cute," I whispered to Carter.

"Be quiet or he might blow up like last time," Carter whispered back.

"But still. If he and Mallory don't work out," I said.

"Maybe, you're right, they would be cute. Just look at the way they look at each other," Carter commented.

"Why are you guys staring at us?" Adam asked.

"We were talking about your tattoos," I covered our tracks.

"Thanks," Adam said.

"Your tatts are really cool," Carson said.

"I'm getting a new tattoo on the back of my hand after I get out tomorrow," Adam told us.

"What of?" Carter asked.

"Part of a skull," he said.

"That's creepy and cool!" I said.

"I'm really excited," he replied.

"I love this conversation but we should eat," Carson said and we all nodded in return.

"The food is not too bad tonight," Adam commented. I ate my food while playing with the hem of my shirt.

"Feel anxious?" Carson asked and I just nodded.

"I feel that," Carter said.

"She switched," Adam whispered to Carson. Who nodded in return.

"Apparently they are putting a movie on tonight. Are you guys going to watch?" Carter asked.

"What movie?" Carson asked.

"Mary Poppins," Carter said.

"I'll watch that!" I said bouncing up and down in my seat.

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