Chapter 11: Adam

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Carson came out of her room looking sad.

"What are you so sad about?" I asked Carson as she was sitting down at the table.

"I'm going home tomorrow," she said and leaned her head on my shoulder.

"Hey we get released on the same day!" Harper said. Great for them that they are leaving this place but I'm going to miss them.

"I'm going tomorrow or the next day," Carter said.

"What about you Adam?" Harper asked.

"The doctor hasn't told me," I said to them.

"When is he supposed to?" Carson asked.

"Today," I told her.

I was relaxing in the back lounge when I got called back to see my doctor.

"Looks like you can go home tomorrow," he told me after we talked a little bit.

"I will see you tomorrow morning one more time, ok?" he instructed.

"Ok thank you!" I said. After that appointment I went to the back lounge where Carter was. Soon enough Carson and Harper joined us. When Carson sat down I put my arm around her.

"Well it's dinner time already," Carter said later while we were sitting in the back lounge.

"Good I'm hungry!" Harper said. Harper and Carter were called up first. I put my head down on the table.

"What's wrong?" Carson asked.

I sighed, "Mallory is picking me up."

"Why does that make you sad?" she asked because she knew I was at least somewhat happy to be reunited with her.

"She sounded really upset about it. I honestly think she is going to break up with me," I told her. I was upset that she could be leaving me but at the same time I wasn't. I knew if she did it would hit me like a truck but I have my friends and I have the skills I've learned. I also have my feelings for Carson.

"Well I think it's her loss," Carson said.

"Thanks C it means a lot," I said and wrapped my arm around her.

"A couple of besties," Carter said in a high pitched voice,"Anyways your names have been called for dinner."

"I'll get them," I said and got up to grab it.

"He's the sweetest," I heard Carson say to Harper.

"I'll take Carson's too," I told Murphy, the man who serves our food.

"Look at you being a gentleman," he smiled at me.

"Something like that," I said and thanked him.

"Here is your dinner," I said, setting it down in front of her.

"So what did your doctor say today?" Harper asked.

"I'm leaving tomorrow," I tell them.

"Maybe they will take us down together?" Harper commented.

"Hopefully but I heard they do two at a time at most," I commented.

Later I was packing stuff in my room when Carter came in.

"Hey man, Carson asked if you were in here," he said.

"She's looking for me?" I was kinda shocked.

"Why are you so shocked bro?" Carter asked.

"She's only ever talked to me in the group," I said.

"You guys talked alone for a while after I made a dumb comment," he said.

"Yeah but she was helping me calm down," I said.

"She likes you too bro, I promise you," Carter said.

"For real?" I asked him.

"She wouldn't let you put your arm around her if she didn't," he said. Carter did have a point. The only problem now was Mallory. I left the room to find Carson indeed waiting.

"You wanted to see me?" I asked.

"I wanted to spend some time together to get your mind off of things," she said and gave me the cutest smile.

"Let's go sit in the back lounge then," I suggested.

"Let's go there," she replied and took my arm dragging me with her. We walked down the hallway and sat down in two chairs.

"What do you want to talk about?" I asked her.

"What brought you here?" she asked. I just looked at her for a moment. I hadn't thought about what had brought me here in like a week.

"I tried to kill myself," I told her.

"If it makes you feel better I did too," she said and gave me a kind smile.

"When I got here was another story," I laughed at her.

"What were you thinking then?" she asked.

"I just really didn't want to be here," I told her and she chuckled.

"If I remember correctly you were trying to fight the staff," she said and I laughed.

"Yeah, I guess I was," I recalled.

"I remember there was a lot of commotion and I thought that you really didn't want to be here," Carson said.

"Yeah I didn't. It was involuntary admission," I told her.

"Same here," Carson said.

"I like your sleeve of tattoos," she said after we sat in silence.

"Thanks I do too," I smiled at her.

"Why did you get so many tattoos?" she asked as she traced a chain of flowers on my lower arm.

"To cover scars," I told her. That was true. I have lots of scars on that arm and I wanted to cover them up. Not because they embarrassed me but because I wanted the tattoos to mean something.

"Do you have any tattoos Carson?" I asked.

"I have a tattoo that says heavy soul under my right breast," she told me. I nodded at her.

"Are you ok? You seem kinda stressed," she said.

"I'm just upset over Mallory like normal," I told her.

"What did she do or say?" she asked.

"I think she cheated on me and she is just whining on the phone," I added.

"I'm sorry if that is true, you don't deserve that," Carson said. She began to trace my tattoo again as we talked, it is calming.

"What are you planning to do when you get out of here?" I asked her.

"To try and get on my feet. Have I told you about my toxic family?" she asked.

"Yeah you mentioned your mom," I told her.

"I want to move out," she said.

"Where?" I asked.

"Somewhere in town," she smiled.

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