Chapter 5: Carson

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I clung tightly onto Adam's arm going down the old rotting stairs.

"Guys be careful these steps are rotting," Adam called to the others. When we got to the bottom we watched Carter and Harper come down.

"That was scary," Harper said and clung onto my other arm.

"At least you had a big strong man to support you," Carter said flexing.

"What man?" Adam asked and looked around.

"That was mean," I slapped Adam gently.

"Sorry man but I had to say it," Adam said.

"All good brotha, it was funny," Carter laughed.

"Now where do we go?" Harper asked, still clinging onto me.

"We are going to walk down the hallway but first you need to let go of me," I told her.

"Go cling onto Carter," Adam suggested.

"What? Wait! No!" Carter exclaimed when she latched her arm with his.

"Just go with it!" I whisper yelled at him and he made a face at me. Eventually Adam starts leading us down a dark hallway.

"I swear things just got darker!" Carter whined.

"It's dark outside now," Adam pointed at the tiny window.

"We might get to see the ghost!" Harper exclaimed out of nowhere, scaring me. I put my hand over my heart and then feel Adam stop.

"You ok Carson?" he asked.

"Yeah she just startled me," I reassured him.

"Y'all are making me sick," Carter said.

"You're just jealous that he's taken and you're not," Harper replied.

"He's taken and he's got his arm around Carson," Carter replied back.

"Friends do that!" Carson exclaimed.

"Want me to take my fucking arm off of her, fine," Adam said.

"Nooo now I'm feeling unsafe again," I whined.

"We need to get back to searching," Adam said, placing his arm around me again.

"I still want to find the ghost," Harper whined.

"Carter was probably right that what we said earlier was security," I said.

"But what closed the door? It can't be the wind," Harper tried.

"I still think it was the wind," Carter said and started walking again.

"Hey look there is a pair of double doors down there, maybe there is an exit in there," Adam pointed.

"Let's go look!" I stated.

"Look what happened the last time we followed Adam into a doorway," Carter said.

"I will slap you again but harder," Adam snapped. We walked through the doorway and it led to two hallways. I let go of Adam when I hear a noise and jump towards Harper. He didn't seem to notice as he and Carter were looking at the rusty doors.

"Look guys there are handles on the inside of these doors," Adam said.

"Good, glad to see that you used your brain," Carter said.

"Can both of you shut up!" Harper exclaimed and then clung to me.

"Down this one," Adam pointed. We followed them until we heard a loud noise and Harper and I jumped and fell onto the ground. We got up off the ground and looked around.

"Where did the boys go?" Harper asked.

"ADAM? CARTER?" I yelled but all I could hear was the echo.

"We've been separated!" I exclaimed as she clung to me.

"You wish I was Adam don't you," Harper said.

"What? No!" I said and jumped away from her. Harper just laughed at me.

"Quit laughing, we need to find the guys," I told her and grabbed her arm pulling her with me. We walked down the first hallway for a little bit till we reached the end and found another room.

"Maybe they went down the other hallway?" Harper said.

"Let's try it!" I said and we went walking back down the hallway. We got to the end and tried the other hallway. It got darker as we walked down the hallway.

"Why does it have to get darker," Harper complained.

"I don't know but something tells me that it is going to keep getting darker," I told her.

"What's with the lack of windows?" Harper asked.

"I'm not actually sure why," I answered her.

By the time we got to the end of the hallway it was already almost pitch black.

"Maybe the ghost is down here?" Harper asked.

"Something tells me you're not going to get to see your ghost," I told her before we heard something. I turned around hoping it was just Carter playing tricks on us.

"I can't see what it was," I whispered in case there was a person in the room.

"Something is moving," Harper whispered back. With that I grabbed her arm and we went spiraling down the hallway.

"That was so close," I said, trying to catch my breath.

"Maybe that was the ghost?" Harper asked.

"You might actually be right but you said you saw it moving?" I asked.

"Yeah, might have been a guard like Carter said," Harper said.

"Where the fuck are they?" I exclaimed and threw my hands in the air.

"They will find us. Wherever they are they have probably noticed that we are gone," Harper said.

"Yeah you're probably right. At least Adam will notice that we are gone," I replied.

"What about Carter?"

"He's kinda clueless," I said and we laughed. We heard footsteps running and we ran and ducked behind one of the gurneys that littered the hallway. We saw a security guard run past like he was searching for something.

"Do you think he is looking for the guys?" Harper whispered.

"I don't know, maybe," I whispered back. We continued to stay in the same place in case the guy came back. He didn't.

We were looking for which way to go when someone literally ran into me. I turned and it was Adam.

"Adam!" I exclaimed.

"No time to party, we need to run!" he said.

"Let's hide behind the gurney," I said and we all crouched behind it. The same guy ran by but this time without a flashlight.

"You took his flashlight?" I whispered to Adam.

"More like Carter did but we needed it," he whispered back.

"Guys shut up!" Carter whispered. I made a face at him but closed my mouth and so did Adam.

"I think it's safe to get out from behind here," Adam said as he crawled out. He tiptoed around the room to check for the guard.

"You guys can come out," he gestured for us to join him.

"Where are we going now?" Harper asked.

"Down these stairs," Adam pointed.

"Those look so unsafe," I said.

"Hold on to me," Adam said, giving me his arm again. I took his arm and we walked slowly down the stairs.

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