Chapter 7: Adam

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"We got to run!" Carson said as I shut off the flashlight so the guard couldn't see us.

"Hide!" Harper squeaked and we slid into one of the open rooms.

"Got ya," the guard said and closed the door on us.

"What the fuck are we going to do?" Carson panicked. I looked at the door where the handle should be. There wasn't one, just a keyhole.

"If we can find a key or a bobby pen then I can get us out," I said.

"They took mine when I came in," Harper pouted.

"We have to look around in this room!," Carson said.

We all got onto our knees and started feeling around in the dark.

"Where is my flashlight?" I felt around where I am.

"You dropped it out there," Harper said.

"FUCK," I exclaimed in frusteration.

"Chill out," Carter said.

"Carter we need it to fucking SEE," I yelled at him.

"Quit fighting and start looking," Carson said.

"Someone should look over at that big chest," Harper pointed. I got up and ran over to the chest before wiping the dust off with my hands. I tried to open it but it was really stuck.

"A little help would be nice," I called them. Carter came over and grabbed the other side.

"On three we pull," he said.

"One. Two. Three," he counted down and we both pulled as hard as we could, but nothing budged.

"That sucks," Carter said letting go.

"Why don't we try the desk?" I suggested.

"Let's do it," Carter said.

Carter and I walked over to the desk and started searching through all the papers on top. The first thing I found was a notebook. It must have been the Warden's notebook when the hospital was functioning.

"Guys I found an old notebook," I held it up for them to try and see through the dark.

"What's an old notebook going to tell us?" Carter asked. I threw it at him in frustration.

"Carter, we are trying to get out of this room and you're making jokes." I snapped.

"Ok geez," he said and handed back the notebook. I opened it to look inside. The pages were worn so that writing was hard to read and it was dark in the room.

"What does it say?" Harper asked.

"It's so hard to read," I answered.

"No shit! It's dark in here," Carter exclaimed.

"The writing has also faded," I told him.

"I'm going to keep searching the desk," Carter said.

"We have to find something!" Carson said and she sounded on the verge of being upset. I would comfort her but we have bigger issues to solve.

"Anyone find anything?" Harper called from wherever she was in the room.

"Still searching the desk," Carter said. I set the notebook down and went back to helping Carter search the desk. Almost every inch of space had stuff scattered on it.

"This is going to take forever!" Harper exclaimed when she saw the desk.

"Not if we all help," I told them.

"Carson, that means you too," Carter said. Carson came over and we began sorting through the papers on the table.

"Nothing," Carter said and stepped back.

"Does the desk have a drawer?" Carson asked. I felt down the desk before my hand met with a dusty knob.

"Found it!" I called to them.

"Then open it doofus," Carter replied. If I could see where he was I would slap him.

"Is there anything inside?" I heard Carson ask.

"Let me check," I said while feeling around inside the cobb webbed drawer. When I got to the back I found something.

"I found something," I said and pulled my hand out. I held it up to the moonlight coming through the window. It was bright enough to see that it was a key.

"Try the door," Harper said, clapping. The four of us rushed over to the door. I tried to put the key in the keyhole but it wouldn't fit.

"What is taking you so long?" Carter deadpanned.

"The key won't fit," I replied.

Carson took the key out of my hand and went to try it herself.

"It's not the key to this door," Carson said.

"Well it has to be the key to something," Harper said.

"What about the chest?" Carson asked.

"We can try it," I answered. Carter took the key from me and went running over to the chest.

"If this opens it then that explains why you couldn't earlier," Harper said.

"I believe this chest is still going to be hard to open," Carter said.

"Just put the key in the lock and we will see," I said to him. It was too dark to see but I have a feeling that he glared at me.

"Got it," Carter said after a few moments of silence.

"Adam help me," he said. We both got on both sides of the chest and tried to lift the lid. We pulled harder and harder until it opened.

"Took you boys long enough," Carson huffed.

"You try opening this," I told her.

"You couldn't do it shorty," Carter teased her.

"Guys let's not fight!" Harper said.

"She's right. We have a whole ass chest to look through," I pointed out.

"Yes, I agree too," Carson said and walked in between Carter and I to the chest.

I got my knees next to her and began to search through more stacks of paper. I dug around, finding nothing but paper and more paper.

"Anything yet?" Carter asked.

"Just paper," I said frustrated.

"Well hurry up or the sun is going to rise," Carter said.

"I'm working on it," I snapped at him.

"Guys! I got something," Carson said, pulling her arms out of the chest and a key sat in her palms.

"She found it!" Harper cheered.

"We don't know if she has yet," I said. We all followed Carson over to the door.

"Harper, do you want to put the key in the door?" Carson asked.

"Sure," Harper said and took the key out of her palms. Harper walked closer to the door and slipped the key inside the keyhole.

"It fits guys!" she cheered as she turned it and unlocked the door. Carter and I helped open the door revealing the disheveled hallway.

"Thank god," Carson muttered before exiting. 

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