Chapter 3: Adam

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We were just sitting at the table talking and eating our very sad breakfast. Carson and I were just sitting with our arms linked.

"I don't understand why you guys are so sour all the time," Harper said.

"No one except you is happy in a hospital!" Carter exclaimed.

"It's not a happy place, love," Carson told her with a smile.

"Why can't it be? You two look happy," she said pointing to us.

"We are just chilling here, not happy, not sad," I told her.

"Well I'm sad," Carson pointed out.

"I'm sorry," I gave her a squeeze.

"It's ok. That's why I'm here," she said and smiled.

"Why are you guys linking arms? You have a girlfriend Adam," Harper noticed.

"It's a friend thing, nothing more," Carson told her.

That was true. Carson and I were just friends because I have a girlfriend. Her name is Mallory and we have been dating for two years. Speaking of Mallory, she is supposed to call me today. I doubt that she will actually call because I can tell she's tired of calling this place. When I went to the hospital to get admitted she told me that she hopes I'm not crazy or won't come out crazy. She doesn't understand how these places work.

This is one of the things that makes Carson and I so close. Both of our loved ones think we are crazy.

"Is it time for group?" I asked, we have two therapy groups a day. One was usually expressive while the other was some sort of talking group.

"Then we get separated," Carter whined and I chuckled.

"Only I get separated. So quit your whining," Carson said.

"But still. I don't want to sit there and listen to someone yak with these cheeseballs," Carter replied.

"Perseverance in the front lounge and Ambition in the back lounge," Annie yelled.

"See you later," I told Carson and followed Harper with Cater by my side.

"If we have to sit there and listen to someone talk about expressing emotions I am going to fall asleep," he told me.

"Looks like we have expressive," I said as I peered over Harper's shoulder.

"Looks like music therapy," Harper turned around and grinned.

"I hope we get to write music today instead of singing along," I said.

"You write music?" Carter looked shocked.

"Yeah, it's how I get a lot of my emotions out," I told him.

"You are a very emotional guy," Carter said.

In group we actually did get to write music. This was perfect because I was starting to feel irritable. This is the way I experience hypomania. Either that or I feel euphoric and on top of the world. It was also kind of funny watching Harper try and write music because sometimes she can't sit still.

"Carter, look at her," I whispered to him.

"She really is a bouncing ball," he commented. We were told to shush. I finished writing my song and I knew I wanted to keep this paper. I felt vulnerable now but it was worth getting all that emotion out.

Soon enough the group was over and we all reconvened in the back lounge.

"Hey you," I said to Carson who just smiled.

"Are we going to check the door now?" Harper asked.

"I don't know if we should," Carter said.

"Are you afraid of exploring a little?" I teased him and he slapped my arm.

"Boys," Carson muttered, "I don't see why looking at it would cause any harm."

"Let's do it!" Harper went bouncing away to the door.

"You guys coming?" Carson asked, turning to look at Carter and I.

"Still don't think it's a good idea," Cater said.

"Come on dude, let's just do it," I told him.

"Can the door open?" I asked.

"Guys I really don't think we should be messing around with this door," Carter came up behind me.

"Just shut up," I told him.

"Let me try!" Harper said before turning the knob on the door. Once the door was opened it revealed a really old looking hospital ward.

"Woah this is so cool," Carson said, "Adam what the hell are you doing!"

"Going inside," I said like it was obvious.

"That is the stupidest idea ever!" Carter said.

"Carter shut the fuck up before I punch you!" I exclaimed.

"I'm going in!" Harper said before joining me inside.

"Carson are you coming?" I asked, offering my hand for her to step down.

"Sure, why not," she said, taking my hand and stepping down.

"Carter, come on!" Harper said.

"Ok fine! Fine!" he threw his hands up.

We stood there and just looked at the whole hospital.

"This is so creepy," Carter commented, if he says one more thing I might punch him.

"Just shut up!" I exclaimed. Before anyone could say anything we heard a loud slam. Carson turned around, "Fuck the door closed! We are trapped!"

"We aren't trapped," I said.

"Adam we are fucking trapped because there is no fucking handle on this side of the door!" she yelled at me.

"Great job Adam. You got us stuck in here," Carter said and I slapped him hard.

"Ow!" he exclaimed, holding his face.

"Guys we have to find a way out of here," Carson said.

"I think this is cool," Harper said.

"It is pretty cool," I added.

"We need to find another exit but we can't split up," Carson said.

"I've read about people being trapped in old hospitals and you never split up," Carter said, still holding his cheek.

"They will realize that we are missing and come find us," Carson said.

"They don't know that we went in the fucking door!" Carter exclaimed.

"Guys!" Harper said.

"What?" I asked.

"I thought I saw a person walking around down there," she replied.

"Great there are ghosts," Carter said sarcastically.

"Let's try to stop arguing and put our heads together," Carson said calmly.

"It could be a security guard," I pointed out.

"Let's go see the ghost!" Harper said and pulled Carson with her down the hallway. 

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