fleur was struggling to get out of the water. She had an air bubble around her head so she wouldn't drown. Puffing wildly, she came to lie next to Harry and released the spell. He himself took the magic of silence from himself.
"Fleur, what happened?the girl had received some injuries.
"Kappa," she gasped.
Harry's eyes widened.
"What are kappas doing here?"
The French woman just shook her head. She was completely exhausted. Then she started crying.
"Gabrielle is still down there." She sobs.
Harry put a reassuring hand on her shoulder.
“Don't worry, I'll get her. Look here comes Remus. "
The werewolf ran to them as soon as he saw the injured girl.
"Come on, I'll take care of your wounds."
The young woman shook her head vigorously.
"No, my sister."
The healer stroked her hair reassuringly.
“I'm sure Harry will get her. Not true?"
“What you can rely on. According to Fleur, the little one is only six years old. It shouldn't be down there at all. "
Fleur nodded wildly. And Remus also agreed.
"You see, everything is fine, our puppy is not going to let anything happen to your sister."
Reluctantly, the young woman allowed herself to be brought to the healing tent.

"She's six?" It came from Myrtle in disbelief.
The dragon nodded.
"Indeed. an impudence. Fleur is very fond of the little one. She often told us about her. "
The ghost thought for a moment.
"Come with me, I know where you can find your father and the other 'prisoners'."
"Really, are you going to show me?Harry wanted to know in disbelief.
"Yes, I planned to do that anyway after you told me why you weren't coming to visit me anymore."
Without another word, the girl swam ahead. The dragon after her.
soon they had reached a beautiful underwater palace. In front of the gates stood or floated water people. And next to them were the capsules with the people.
The dragon stood up in front of the frightened creatures.
"Are you going to stop me?" He wanted to know.
An Aquarian shook his head.
“We never intended to do that. We are only supposed to guard these people. "
"Well, I'll take these two with me in a minute." Announced, Harry.
then he let the kite swim very close to the capsules. In one he could recognize Severus. And, although he was asleep, you could clearly see how angry the man was.
"I'm glad he's not mad at me," Myrtle muttered at the sight.
harry could only agree. The dragon opened the capsule with one claw and plucked Severus out. The same thing did with the one in which Fleur's little sister was lying.
“Well, that was it. Thanks for watching. ”he said to the Aquarius. Then the dragon made its way back with its prey.
He talked to Myrte for a while before he broke the surface of the water.
as soon as Severus and Gabrielle were both heads above the water, they opened their eyes.
The little girl looked around, frightened. When she saw the dragon, she began to cry.
The figure quickly swam ashore and set them down.
severus had started to talk to the girl, but she didn't understand him.
"Dad, this is Fleu's sister, you have to speak French with her."
Severus looked at his son for a moment, then switched languages.
"Show off," grinned Harry.
Fortunately, the potions master managed to comfort the little one.
“Where is your sister?” The teacher then wanted to know.
Harry pointed to the tent.
"Fine, I'll take you there. And then, I'll behead the old man. "
"Do that, but maybe you should dry yourself off first." With that, Harry pointed at the two of them wet clothes.
With a brief spell, Severus settled the problem. Then he went to the tent with the girl.
Harry had observed that in the meantime the other participants had also left the lake. Victor was half a shark and came out of the water with his grandmother. And Michael was a sea man and had his best friend with him. Young Gryffindor found the one with Grandma particularly cute.
Harry was about to conjure up his dragon again when myrtle shot out of the water.

"Harry, quick. He will soon be out of breath! ”The boy turned around, startled.
"Cedric. His girlfriend is still sleeping, but the magic is wearing off with him. "
The Gryffindor cursed, then sent his kite to dive again.
Cedric had conjured up gills. However, the saying was apparently not very tenable.
The dragon quickly followed the ghost girl, and he could see his two friends from afar.
"Come on, hold on," Harry ordered.
Cedric didn't bother to be amazed. he clung to the animal's wings and let himself be pulled up.
The young man drew in his breath greedily. Cho and the dragon helped him to the bank.
“Damn it, that was close. Why didn't the magic last? ”Cedric wanted to know after a while.
"You have to ask Flitwick that, he's the expert on charms," ​​Cho muttered worriedly.
She thanked Harry and then took her friend into the tent.

Harry could finally relax too. this time it hadn't been dangerous for him, but he had worried about everyone nonetheless. He leaned against his large kite.
"Well done, kid.severus went down on his knees next to him and stroked the boy's hair.
"Thanks, I hate this tournament more and more."
"I can understand, I feel the same way."
the Gryffindor leaned against his father and just enjoyed the moment.
“Can we stay like this for a few minutes? I don't want to face the pack again now. "
severus sat down on the meadow and pulled Harry into his arms.
“Of course, take a rest. I'm here."
"Thank you", so the boy closed his eyes and blanked out the world. If only for a brief moment ..

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