Chapter 1

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The Winds blew cold & violently. In the forest near the village of Briar Glen, the wolves howl in dark of the night, stalking their prey, a herd of Deer, munching on some grass. The Eyes of the Hunter glowed in the shadows.

The Village of Briar Glen, near the Aesnian Farmlands lay silent, except one mansion with big gates describing the wealth of the owner, where lay the bandits & their own spoils of plunder. Riches, Artifacts & Hostages, all in their hands. While they know not that, they soon were going to be hunted.

A Wood Elf, brown skinned, with brown curly hair with sharp eyes, in brown leather armor with a breastplate of steel, approaches a hooded hulking figure. Sitting on a tree stump, who was surrounded by company of half elves, humans & kets, some with shield & swords, some with bows & some with daggers. All in all, it could even account for a small regiment of an army.

The Hooded Figure asked, "How many?" The Wood Elf wiping his sweat replied "6 outside patrolling, I can sense 30 from the landlord's house, but I asked a little bird over there, & it said there are a few more in the other 3 huts. Some were emitting mana too, they know a bit of magic, amateurs most probably, as they didn't sense me. All in all, I can say, close to 50 men, same as us, including the 14 men spread in the 3 huts. The boss seems to be in the landlord's house."

The hooded figure, didn't say anything for a moment & then asked, "Any Survivors?"

The Elf shook his head, "No, except some women & men tied up, none, the smell of blood is strong. I saw some of the dead bodies of the guards over there. The Landlord is also most probably dead."

The hooded person sighed & stood up, "You did good work, Wyn." 

Turning around, he announces, "It's time, let's make it worth every gold coin we get as payment!!!"
The mercenaries raised their Weapons & then before they could shout, the Hooded leader shushed, "Quiet, you Louts! You want those bastards to hear us?" Wyn Sighed, while the others went silent.

The leader, removed his hood, showing the face of an Orc, with a scar running towards his left eye, two shining tusks on the sides of mouth & ears a little similar & eyes sharp as elves, hinting towards his elven lineage. He had tied his hair in a bun. He wore an armor made out of Orichalum ore, thick & seemingly impenetrable, with a chainmail of black steel. He wielded an axe & a shield. A Half Orc, he is Brazulkh Bonebreaker, the leader of the Mercenary Group, known as the Swashbucklers, famous in the realm for their ruthlessness, especially their leader who is infamously known as the 'Kin Slayer'.

He said, pointing towards the house next to the once village square, which supposedly seems to house some of the bandits on guard, looking at the Ket, wearing a black garb covering his body along with a hidden chainmail known as shokuzou with a huge straw hat covering his cat face & spotted brown tail, 

"Jeonjaeng, Take your men & deal with the ones near the house. Be quiet. We don't want to alert them. As soon as you are done, give a signal." Jeonjaeng gave a slight nod & went towards his group to explain the details.

He called Wyn & said, "You & your Archers take the right side of the square, the house near the well seems to have some bandits loitering, finish them off, after you are done, station yourself at the gates of the mansion." The Wood Elf, scratching his head, gave a clumsy smile & said, "Alright Boss!!" turning around to his men, took the wooden bow which was slung around him & raised it up in the air, "Alright, you heard the boss, let's go & give them hell!"

The Boss, sighed once again seeing Wyn in high spirits. He turns to the vanguard group consisting of warriors using Swords, Shields, Axes & Spears, "You guys follow me! As soon as Jeonjaeng is done with his part, we move & kill any remnants who try to escape! We enter the village through the gates, don't loot anything from the villager's house, mind you!" The Group gave a nod & readied themselves.

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