Chapter 5

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The door swung open to reveal a dwarf & a man with eccentric pink hair. The barmaid made a frown & mumbled, "M0re Customersssss.."
"Shush! How will I pay you, huh!?!" said the old bartender angrily smiling while saying loudly, "Welcome to the Lonely Fools Tavern! What may I get you?"

"Ah, nothing at all... for the moment. We would like you to appraise some materials we got as well as register this little one as a tamed monster." A green little hatchling wyvern was seen nuzzled up in the hands of the monk, which looked up a little with curious eyes at the bartender & the barmaid.
"Interesting... Very well, here's the form, you will also need to spend 4 Silver coins to deal for the license as well as... Gufwaah!"
The old man was shoved aside by the barmaid who started fawning over the little hatchling,
"Oh my Gaia! How sweet is this little one!?! What is its name!? Oh how beautiful green wings!?! Can I pet him!?"
She started stroking the little one while the dwarf looked surprisingly at the fallen old man.

"You...! IDIOT!!!!" The Old man got up while hitting the barmaid right over the head. "Can you calm down for a moment!? Also, how dare you push me down!? Do you not know that I am an old man!?!"
"Shut up! You surely are quite lively for hitting & yelling at me!?" retorted the barmaid.
"AHEM!" Pepe punched the table lightly shaking up the table causing both of them to turn their attention.
"Ah... Sorry" said both of them.

 The old man fixing his glasses said, "We shall take that carcass for dismantling. Then would you like to sell the meat also?"
"Yes. Keep half of that for us. We will pay for the dismantling." Said Dorin.
"Hey, you Adventurers." The duo turned to find an orc seated on a table staring at them.
"Would you like to sell the meat to me? I will pay double." Said Brazulkh

The dwarf stared at the Orc.
The stare showdown lasted for quite a long time.
Everyone was silent, till a voice was heard.

 "I would like to buy the Antlers!" as a pouch full of silver coins was thrown on the table before the dwarf & the half orc's staring contest.
They turned to find an elf lady staring & smiling at them. While both the dwarf & the half-orc made annoyed faces, Pepe simply smiled & said, "Oh the Antlers? Sure, why not?"
"Ah Thank you!" she quickly went towards the barmaid who was dragging the carcass in the back room.

"Wait who made those holes perfectly in its body!? It looks like someone used a musket at point-blank!" said Aradriel while the barmaid looked in surprise.
"It was me who did it." Said Pepe stroking the almost asleep hatchling which was yawning.
Except for Pepe & Dorin, everyone else went quiet & stared at Pepe.
"How... you certainly don't have a musket." Said Aradriel in disbelief...The barmaid went outside, trying not to create more of a mess in the tavern.
Aradriel meanwhile glared again back at the duo who continued their staring contest. "Ugh, here I thought at least the dwarf would have some better manners than that orc... What was I thinking?"

"Hmph! You better shut up Elfyes. What would you know?" Said both the orc & the dwarf in unison. "Hmm, you seem to have the same thoughts as me, huh?" said both of them together again.

They started staring again at each other & the dwarf finally broke into a smile along with the orc also snickering, "Well that was enough staring, Aye! I will sell the meat, some of it to you. It would certainly make for some good vension stew. Alright, Master!!"
"Yes!? What is it now?" said the old man while pouring a glass of water for the monk.
"Keep half of our share for this gentleman here."
"Thank you, Mr.?"
"Dorin. Dorin Stonebreaker. An Adventurer." Said the dwarf extending a hand. The orc shook the hand while smiling,
"Ah! You are that A-Rank duo of a Monk & a Dwarf. Brazulkh Bonebreaker. A Mercenary."

"Hoo, the famous Kin Slayer, eh? You do some good work. I do trust the half-orcs more than the brutish cruel orcs. We sure do have the 'breaker' common in our clan's name, eh?" said the dwarf pondering then suddenly thumping the table in front of the half-orc, he said,
"Let us have some drinks!!!"

The half-orc was surprised, he lowered his hood & smiled pointing behind the dwarf,
"I would love to but it would be best to postpone it to some other time, I don't think your companion would take it too kindly for now."
The Monk was staring daggers at the dwarf & said, "Oi! You were full drunk a few moments ago!!"
"Tch! Spoilsport!" said the Dwarf. "I think I will tell the missus then!!"

The Dwarf had a horrified look on his face & said, "No! Please! I will do anything but don't say anything to her! She will come from Heimurrgrundr to lecture & get angry at me! I surely can't make her angry!!"
Then, Pepe smiled a certain smile, which made everyone flinch.
"Come along then & let's go back to the main branch. I have paid for the dismantling as well as the license & got the money from Miss Aradriel. We need to report to the Guild Master as well as take the Taming test."
"Arrghhh! Alright Alright." Said Dorin throwing his hands in the air & turned to Brazulkh who had already taken out the coins. Dorin smiled & said,
"I shall see you around then, Bonebreaker."
The barmaid had come with a package wrapped & gave it to Dorin who along with his Warhammer which Pepe had carried while running away, slung it behind him & walked towards the door, along with the small wyvern giving a cry & Pepe patting it once again.

Brazulkh got up with his bow & arrows & left whatever money he got from the sold fire herbs to the Master, he took the water can placed near the counter & the small meat package & bowing a little to the Master, he took his leave.

"Hmph, quite a weird bunch." Said Aradriel waiting near the counter while awaiting her Antlers as the barmaid gave it back to the old man. The Old man smiled a little & said,
"Not as weird as your teacher." Aradriel nodded & said,
"Truly, he is also weird but probably a little less? Well thanks for the apple cider, here's the payment, 20 Silver coins. See ya, Old man." Saying this she grabbed the wrapped horns as well as a basket with a few bottles of apple cider & went outside the door. The barmaid yelled, "Try coming normally next time!!"
"I will try but don't count on it!" yelled Aradriel.

The door closed while both the old man & the woman sighed in relief. "Quite a storm we had here. Almost thought we would have damages when Aradriel & the half Orc were about to fight."
"Indeed. Well, everything is necessary for we know not what is written in the future. What exactly is our fate & what path the flow of the world will follow..."
He wiped a glass while staring at it, the crystal-clear glass reflecting an image.

 The barmaid made a puzzled look while going back to the backroom.
"Hmm... The people chosen by the wheels of fortune, I still haven't a clue what that cryptic mage, as well as 'Fortune', are thinking."
He poured a glass of wine for himself while admiring the wine bottle & his skill.
"Perhaps, time will tell, till then let the world move as it wishes for soon, the dawn of a new era shall arrive, shaking everything in its wake, unleashing events unexpected." He said taking a sip & closing his eyes.

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