Chapter 16: Cold Blooded Murder

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We decided to wait. Bella mentioned something about the Cullens and her leaving at noon. So we would be ready. Billy would go to Charlie's house right after we see the Cullens leave. He would pretend to be having a friendly visit while making sure to keep his minds empty of all thoughts relating to our mission so that the mind reading leech doesn't suspect anything. As soon as they leave Sam and I will go to Charlie's house where Jared and Paul would be waiting for us. We will get to the bottom of this.


Even though this wasn't exactly a friendly visit, the excitement was contagious. You could literally see the curiousness and anticipation building up. Bella seemed a little worried but pretended to be joining in on our cheery. But I saw right through her facade. Her shields were up so Jasper couldn't feel her emotions. On asking her, she would shrug it off. I gave her time while not leaving her side throughout the day. I didn't bring it up again but that doesn't mean that I won't notice it. As noon approached, Bella grew more and more anxious. And I grew more and more worried about her. She wouldn't even tell me what was bothering her.

Soon it was time to leave. "Can we go now Belly bear?", Emmett begged pouting. He hadn't shut up since we told him we'll be going to Ithaca. "EMMETT! Stop whining!", Rosalie said, smacking his head, having had enough of his childishness for now. Emmett just pouted some more, finally shutting up. Jasper chuckled at our brother's antics, eyes gleaming with amusement. "You really need lessons in patience Em.", muttered Bella causing all of us to crack up. Emmett simply rolled his eyes and stuck his tongue out. I shook my head laughing. It really is amusing to see someone like Emmett who scares the shit out of most people at first glance, behave so childishly.

"Alright alright, fine lets go now.", Bella said after she stopped laughing. We nodded and walked out the door. Bella had placed wards on our house as well so we had to winnow from some distance away. Suddenly Bella stopped walking. We followed suit. Follow my lead she said down the bond. This was still new to me and it felt a little weird because this was different from how I normally hear voices. I hadn't been able to control the bond properly yet so I could receive thoughts from her but I couldn't say anything to Bella yet. She told me it would come with practice and I simply nodded each time, not wanting to show my impatience. I nodded slightly even though I had no idea what she was going to do and why. But I knew something was up. "Hold on a minute. I just need to tie my shoelaces", she said. Everyone looked confused because she was wearing shoes without laces. But when we looked down, her shoes had changed. "Of course. We'll wait.", I said earning confused looks from the rest. But they soon caught on and kept quiet.

I looked at Bella as she bent down and before I could even comprehend what was happening, she pulled out a dagger and threw it backwards without so much looking back. We heard a scream of pain and a loud thump sound. She stood up, pulling out the second dagger, she somehow hid in her shoes. Pointing it at one of the bushes she said in a low controlled and dangerous voice, "Show yourself. Don't even try to escape. It won't be any use." A moment passed. Nothing happened. "Alright then, we'll do this the hard way.", she said as she walked towards the bush and dragged out a whimpering man who feebly held a dagger in hand. He was wearing clothes, which would pass for normal human clothing but he had a golden star gleaming on his sleeve which seemed out of place.

Bella snatched his dagger away with one swing of her hand. The man fell to his knees and joined his hands, seemingly begging for mercy. Bella snatched his collar and lifted him up slightly. He was trembling in fear as he tried to get out of her grasp. Bella only pulled on harder. I couldn't read his mind though. We stood frozen and watched on. "What is Jazmine planning?", she asked slowly but firmly.

"I-I d-don't know ma'am. P-please l-leave me. Have m-mercy, princess.", he begged in a feeble voice. Bella shoved him roughly again, "I'm asking you one. Last. Time. What are you planning?" He shook his head vigorously. "Very well than. I have no other use of you.", Bella said calmly and slit his throat...

[Again, a good ending for a cliffhanger. Hmm...]













[Fine I'll give it to you but next time I will leave at the cliffhanger :D 'Mwahaha' *Evil Laughter*]

Our eyes widened at what we just witnessed. We knew Bella wasn't as shy and meek as she had pretended to be but this was just another side of her we had yet to see and this was astonishing. Even Carlisle, who was against bloodshed at all costs was speechless. "Coward!", she muttered as she dropped him to the ground with blood leaking down his chest. "Atleast he was honorable enough to not betray his country.", she said angrily. Most of us gulped. Bella like this was frightening.

Bella then struck the dagger in the ground and then pulled it out. The dagger now clean of blood, went back to its place by her feet. She walked a little further dragging out another man with a dagger straight at his heart and blood soaking his shirt. She pulled out the dagger and cleaned it like the last. Then she turned around suddenly. "I'm sorry, I don't want to cause you pain. You guys can go. I'll be back.", she said aimlessly and without waiting for an answer turned around to bury the two men using magic. None of us left. We all had our thirst under control because the shock certainly overpowered it. Even Jasper. After she was done, she turned around with a serious face. We all seemed to get our voice back then and everyone other than me began speaking at once and I couldn't make out who said what. My mind wasn't working right.

Bella just raised her hand up and all of them stopped talking at once, afraid to be angering Bella even though they knew Bella won't hurt them. "Bella,", said a voice, I couldn't care to place who because I was still shocked. My eyes didn't leave Bella "Why...y-you?.", the voice croaked. Bella's face remained solemn. "If you had been forced to bare the burden of thousands of lives only because you refused to kill 1 soldier, this wouldn't faze you either.", she said darkly. "Cold-blooded murder. That is what people would consider this to be. To me, I'm just protecting my people." She walked on as if nothing happened, shadows obscuring her face. She looked dangerous. Carlisle, who I now realized had asked the question, seemed satisfied with her answer for now and kept quiet.

I seemed to gain my ability to move now. My mind started working properly again. That is when I realised, I could hear more minds than my own family's. Two extra minds to be exact. I snarled.

(End of Chapter 16)

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