I giggled. "Well, news for you. " I swiped my sweaty hands on my jeans. "I'm going to California!" She screamed, and grinned brightly.

"Woah! You're so lucky man! Oh my god. Where are you staying?" She asked. I nervously bit my lip.

"Alex Sanders. Remember, I told you a bit about him in grade 8 when we met? Well two years earlier he had left to move there. You know, he's my child hood bestie. But I just don't understand. Ugh, I'm nervous. Will he even remember me? Will he be the same? The nice, friendly, hilarious, Alex I used to know? Will we even get along? " I thought. She sighed and wrapped one arm around me. Her dark dark eyes sincerely told me to shh.

"It's fine, Jenna. Don't worry. I bet he remembers you. We're in grade 10, second year of high school. It's been 6 years.. He shoudnt forget someone so special like you." She murmured, and I hugged her fully.

"I'm SO glad to have you! What will I do the whole summer without you?" I sadly said into her neck. "We can FaceTime when you need to, and just give me a call anytime. I'm always here for you." Amelia replied, and pulled away. "Now let's pack!" She added.

She pulled out Cheetos from her bag, but decided against it as I reached for them. "You need a slim body, well you already have one. Now the next step is to maybe get two pack abs in one week. And to not get fat! " she giggled. I sighed dramatically.

"Fine fine. Got anything else? Wait a second." I ran down the stairs, and grabbed some Greek Yogurt from the refrigerator. I grabbed some crackers, and the fruits I liked. I pushed our snacks in a tray, and grabbed sparkling water.

I slowly went back and placed them on my desk, shutting the door in the process. I hand her a glass of water, her Greek Yogurt, an apple, and a cracker set. "Let's do this." I grinned.

"Perfect." She praised, and placed the perfumes into my small hand carry. I also grabbed under wears and put them in the hand carry. I took a bite of my apple.

"The hand carry can have cosmetics and toiletries." I observed, and Amelia nodded in agreement.

"Let's get to this." Amelia forcefully and firmly shook the bottle of lotion, and clasped the cap closed.


"I seriously cannot believe it though!" I smiled through my thin blanket. Amelia grinned back. "You're lucky." She replied, and eyed the movie we were watching. We lounged on the couch. She was going to stay over since it was Saturday. She rarely stayed over though, this was like her third time ever in our whole friendship. I was glad she could stay once before we both parted ways for the summer.

The reason she wouldn't be allowed was because she wanted to help her single mom. Amelia's mother was once a kind and friendly woman, an energetic one. But when Ames was in grade 8, her dad was cheating on her mom. When Aunt Lily found out, she was furious and sad, since Aunt Lily ran the house being the one to work at a clinic nearby. Ames father didn't work. He would never get a job. So one night, when the mother and daughter were sleeping, he snuck out with his girlfriend and collected all their money, leaving them near to broke. Lily was never the same again. She was always in shadows, always never speaking to Ames, and she fell ill. Lily also lost her job.

So Ames worked at a local grocery store, and since Lily is getting better, she's trying to find a job. Thankfully she did and forced Ames to quit her supermarket job. Now as Lily gained a bit more money, she decided it was time to take a break. They hadn't visited Ames aunt in legit 10 years, so they are going this summer. Ames aunt is paying for the whole plane ride and stuff but Lily is adding a bit money for the gifts for Ames

Lily is going to work from home aka on her computer. She's going to work just like she does here, except not going to wake up and drive to her office. Instead she has to wake up at 8:00 am, and work until 6:00 pm. Pretty tough. But I'm glad Ames is getting to go on a plane for the second time in her whole life.

I payed my attention back to the horror movie. I screamed. It was Annabelle. Sure, I wasn't that scared of dolls, but oh my god! That demon' and the way Annabelle gets possessed! It's freaky. Ames clutches my hand, and I grab hers too.

Soon the movie ends and Dad walked into the room, chuckling at our expressions. "Whoo.. That was .." Ames stuttered, and dad turned on the lights. She grabbed some light pop corn and stuffed herself. I did too. A bit of pop corn won't do much as long as I go exercise when I should.

"Scary, eh?" Dad asked, walking towards the kitchen as mom baked some potatoes with hummus! YUMM!
I folded the blanket and put the empty Popcorn bowl in the counter.

"Yes! Oh my godddd!!!!!! AHH LOOK BEHIND YOU JENNA!!!" She screamed suddenly and my heart popped. I screamed and scrambled to check. Nothing was there. When I looked back at Ames, she was running for her life, dying of laughter. "You son of a b*tch!! " I screamed, lunging on her. She screamed. "You almost gave me a heart attack idiot! Dumb *ss! " I added.

She screamed, laughing, tears out of her eyes. I started laughing at her hysterical face. Soon we were both so weak we couldn't even get up! Ugh! I laughed my heart out and finally, we crawled away from each other, breathing deeply, and laughing.
"Ok ok stop now! You're face makes me laugh! "I sat cross legged, giggling. She laughed harder.

Suddenly, I felt my stomach pang. No!!! This can't be! I ran to the washroom and banged the door closed.


Hey guys! I hope you liked my book.. I've decided to make this one different, maybe like not about Islam. Please do comment, vote and share! I was thinking to make the chapters longer. So comment if you like!❤️❤️❤️❤️ thank you!

- Hamna

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