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Linus:so you met them. How nice.
Raz:i do wish they'd stop calling me maggy
Y/n:...so what do i do. I cant do this alone.
Raz:we will help. But you should use the town as well.
Linus:yeah, use the billboard and ask for whatever we cant get.
Raz:the townspeople usually help when they can in those situations

Raz and Linus met me at the community center and we actually got everything done except the fishing bundle. Raz did the safe and the blacksmith stuff. Linus did the foraging and the farming stuff. I got the billboard done and i just had to work on the fishes. And we got it all done by midnight too. I was actually surprised at how much these two had saved back.

Junimo:oh thank you! Thank you! One more bundle
Raz:come Linus
Y/n:by junimo

We separated immediately and i headed to sebs where he was reading a comic book in his room.

Y/n:hey which one is this
Seb:no clue. I honestly have been disassociating for 2 hours.
Y/n:you ok?
Seb:ya. Hey can we try that picture again. I kinda haven't stopped thinking about it.
Y/n:oh of course!

I got my phone out and at i set up the timer sebs phone started to ring. He had to go meet sam outside. I stayed inside where i got changed and headed to sleep. I knew they wouldn't be done talking for awhile.

*sebs pov*

Sam:hey man i uh...i broke it off with penny.
Seb:dude...are you ok?
Seb:come on, y/n and i were about to take a photo for my contact photo
Sam:oh man I'm sorry
seb:its cool we can do it later.

I walked in and he was curled up into the bed. I shook him and he turned over with a sad smile. He didnt sleep yet but he looked tired.

Y/n:hey whats up
Sam:...i broke up with penny.
Y/n:....want a hug?

He and sam embraced as sam cried into him. I'm not sure why sam broke up with him if he was going to be this sad. He finally let go and we all sat on the bed talking. Then y/n looked at both of us seriously for a second.

Y/n:...is haley and alex..are they still together?
Sam:ya. I saw haley and him making out in cindersnap a few hours ago.
Y/n:oh ok
Y/n:...he and i kissed a few days ago. I wanted to talk to him about it but...i think its better if i forget it happened.

He got up looking angry and upset. Sam and i both stopped and looked at eachother and ran after him as he headed outside, penny met us in the hall.

Penny:..i came to see maru.
Sam:cool. Bye
Seb:y/n wait!

I grabbed sams hand and we ran after him again. He was at the old quarry, i had thought this bridge broke a while back but i guess it got fixed at some point. We all sat with him feeling the cold air hit us. It was nice but i could see y/n starting to shiver. Sam and i grabbed him putting him into a sandwich between us to keep him warm. Then he started to cry.

Y/n:I'm not even sad that it was alex. I'm just...frustrated.
Sam:with what though
Y/n:...i thought these stupid feelings woulda died along time ago. That i would stop feeling like a dumb teen boy but...
Seb:you left without getting closure with any of us, y/n. Your parents left after the funeral nobody even got to say a proper bye. And...honestly I'm sure staying in your grandpas farm like that wasn't helpful either.
Y/n:ya...ugh I'm gonna fish for a while and clear my head. Thanks guys.

He stayed out there and we went back to my room and passed out. I woke up to y/n flopping on the couch and falling asleep.

*hey sorry this one is short but i hope you guys enjoyed it!*

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