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I shut the door before he knew i was there. I knocked and entered again this time he had his hoodie on and looked scared a bit.

Seb:oh sorry, i thought you were my mom
Y/n:what were you doing to make you look so scared
Seb:dude come on! I was looking for my hoodie
Y/n:so that means youre shirtless?

I jumped onto the couch that had my phone and started to go through all the texts abby and sam and alex had been sending me. Alex always used to brag about his workout routine but now hes been showing me his progress. He sends me pictures of his muscles which are...um...well it reminds me how gay i am to say the least. But its also weird, from what i know Alex isn't like that. Him and hayley have been together forever so even if he was i dont think he'd express it with how homophobic his grandpa is. I remember when i told him i was pansexual his grandpa kicked me out. His grandma on the other hand made me cookies and gave me a hug. She told me to ignore George and that hes just too old to accept people for who they love. Which of course made me mad as a kid but now i dont really care, hes an old asshole and no one likes being around him anyway.

Seb:what's that? Staring at porn now?
Y/n:nah, alex keeps sending me his updates on how hes improved. I'm going through all the texts from today.
Seb:...this is all from today?
Y/n:yeah. He sent over 100 texts
Seb:...dude he has a crush on you
Y/n:...hes still with hayley isn't he?
Seb:well kinda on and off still
Y/n:what about you?
Y/n:you still with sam?
Seb:oh..no we broke up after high school. Then i dated abs for a little but it was a bad time. She wanted to try more stuff than i was willing.
Y/N:oh well then what are you doing with that whole..part of your life?
Seb:not sure yet. I mean its been 4 years i should probably figure it out.
Y/n:eh you got time.
Seb:and you? Still in love with the chicken man?
Y/n:dude come on, you know it was a crush. Plus we all know hell end up with emily sooner or later

We laughed and made jokes about them two. He told me how sam and penny have been sneaking around and how he also found penny in his kitchen at 3am half naked. Her and maru have been seeing each other too apparently. He didnt know much about leah and elliot though, only that they usually only hang out together and sometimes with alex and hayley. He started to head for his door.

Seb:wanna come?
Seb:smoke by the lake
Y/n:oh no I'm good. Ive been foraging all day I'm exhausted.
Seb:ok, see you later.

He shut the door and i got a phone call from sam. He told me he would be inside in a second and to keep the door unlocked. So i did. As he entered abby followed him in and they got really excited.

Sam:this is the first time we've been in here without him
Abby:ok is the computer locked?
Y/n:um no what's going on?
Abby:ill keep lookout
Sam:you catch on quick pretty boy come on
Y/n:pretty boy?
Sam:ok here we go...oh my yoba THEY ARE STARRED!

We went through the very personal emails. There were 5 in the drafts.
1. "Hey, y/n. Ya were doing good, we miss you a lot. The town just feels empty now. I kinda miss when you'd meet me on your grandpas farm and wed do stupid stuff at night."
2. "Hey y/n i wanted to tell you that i uh..I'm sorry but i kinda threw the gift you made for me over a cliff. I was really angry and sam and i just broke up. I just missed you and seeing that made me sad. I'm sorry"
3. "I hope youre doing good in zuzu."
4: "i wanted to tell you that..I bought a bike. I'm hoping to come visit once its fixed."
5: "hey i really wish something happened with us. I know i was with sam so it couldnt and i loved him during those years but...before that i wanted to be with you. And i still do."

Sam pushed me away as he read the 5th one. I didnt get to see what it said which made me kinda angry.

Y/n:dude what the fuck?!
Sam:sorry dude i didnt mean to push you that hard! I uh...i dont think you should read the last one. It's not something we shouldnt of snooped about anyway.
Y/n:ok fine but you coulda just said you took it too far and i woulda stopped reading. Damn that hurt man
Abby:wait what was it.
Sam:...it was about me and him breaking up. We should go. Please dont read it y/n
Y/n:i wont. Have a good night g...
Seb:so you read it?
Sam:I'm sorry.
Seb:did you y/n?
Y/n:um just up to the 3rd. Sams hair blocked most of it so i didnt get to read anything else.
Seb:oh good. Now you two shut up and leave.

They whimpered and scurried off. Seb shut and locked the door as well as his computer. He sat down on the couch i was supposed to sleep on. I sat next to him.

Y/n:I'm sorry man.
Seb:...i know its stupid but...could you not call me that?
Seb:I'd prefer if you'd use my name.
Y/N:I'm sorry seb.
Seb:its ok c/n
Y/n:HEY! Come on that name is embarrassing!
Seb:nah its cute.
Y/n:whatever SEBBY
Seb:oh yoba is that what youre really gonna call me if i call you c/n
Y/n:ya. Every.yoba.damn.time.

He smiled as i got closer trying to be threatening. Then he turned to face me. Our noses were touching and i felt my heart skip. I didnt realize i was this close. Why'd he face me now? Why isn't he moving away....fuck I'm blushing. Why cant i move? His eyes look so pretty right now, and although he smells like cigarettes he also smells like the forest.

Seb:move. Im sleeping on the couch.
Y/n:damn you ruined the moment.
Seb:go away

He pushed me off playfully and i walked to his bed. There was a set of PJs waiting for me. They were his sweatpants and an old band tshirt.

Y/n:you know i have my own pjs.
Seb:oh. Sorry i guess I'm used to sam who never packs. Here ill take it
Y/n:no its fine ill wear it.

His computer dinged and i got confused since i thought he shut it off, he ran over to it and started typing. I guess he just put it to sleep or something.

Seb:um sorry, i have to start this. My boss needs it by tomorrow afternoon, do you mind the computer light?
Y/n:i lived in the city. If i minded light while i slept i would have never slept.

I headed to the bathroom he had attached to his room. It seemed the only reason he'd ever need to leave his room was for food. I took my shower for the first time in 2 days and felt amazing. I knew i needed it but it was other worldly finally taking it. As i got out i started to dry off and put on his clothes. They smelled like him too. I know it was stupid, i dont want a relationship but I'm not gonna kick these thoughts out. I liked seb since we were 5, even when i had a crush on shane i still liked seb. I mean shane never paid attention to me except when alex and i would hang out, and i cant blame him. He was on top of the world, i was just a small thing that didnt matter. Then seb told me he liked sam and when they finally dated i was happy for them. But right now all i can think about was when we were kids and i kissed him on the cheek and ran to abbys house to tell her what i did...we were so little.

Seb:hey you done?
Y/n:ya sorry

I opened the door, seb was standing there awkwardly. I moved to the side and went to the bed. His bed was so soft. He even had a weighted blanket. I realized why he stayed in bed so long, this was amazing. I started to pass out and right before i could i heard maru come in.

Maru:oh yoba I'm so sorry i forgot you were here did i wake you?
Y/n:not really i just go into bed
Maru:oh good. Where's seb?

She was holding a plate of food and a water bottle. He came out and she set it down and left annoyed.

Y/n:maru still hates you?
Seb:how'd you guess?
Y/n:you know she wouldn't hate you if you didnt treat her like a mistake.
Seb:...i know. I know i should be nicer. She's a good sister. I just..cant get over my own pettiness.
Y/n:wow. Anyway goodnight, your bed is too comfy
Seb:haha i know. Night, c/n
Y/n:...night sebby.

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