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Y/n pov*

I had been walking around but it seemed the town was deserted. I went to the beach where i fixed a broken bridge to get to the more "fun" side of the beach. I liked to grab the shells and random things as well. I decided to sell them at willys for some extra cash, i wasn't completely broke since robin said shed do payments and cut the price in half for all the wood i promised. When i walked into willys shop he shouted my name in joy. I used to fish with him alot as a kid. I loved it so much, i told him one day I'd catch all the legendary fish and put them in the community center fish tank just for him. He taught me loads of stuff and I always thought of his as an uncle.

Willy:y/n my boy! Oh its been so long you look good. Now hows your cast?
Y/n:far and wide. As always.
Willy:ah good. Good. How's your parents?
Y/n:oh um dad died a few years back, car accident. Mom is good though. She's starting to date again so ya.
Willy:well you should give her my number.

I handed him my moms number and sold my items. I wanted to make fun of him but honestly if he wanted to go out with my mom and my mom liked him i dont care. Maybe it might make her move back down here. Who knows. He gave me about 1000 gold for my items, and a little extra for my moms number. I decided to head into cindersnap and see if i can forage anything and see that too. I wanted to have my debts paid as soon as i could. I also wanted to by a decent meal tonight. As i searched i found a decent haul and as i bent down to pick up a spring onion i saw another hand reach for it. I guess since i was focused on looking for this stuff i didnt really look up or around me. A girl who looked like a younger robin stood in front of me.

Leah:oh hi. You're new here right?
Y/n:um..kinda. I'm y/n
Leah:leah. Nice to meet you. Guess you already know about the forageables in this part huh. Man that took me a few months haha
Y/n:well i used to live around here so i remember some stuff.

She looked confused and a little angry. I handed her the spring onion and started to walk off, she yelled for me and ran up to me.

Leah:when did you live here?
Y/n:um..a few years ago. I moved when the high school burnt down
Leah:so..you were born here?
Leah:oh thats cool. Um did you live in the house by the ranch?
Y/n:oh no, see that abandoned old dump over there?
Y/n:thats where i used to live.

She looked at the old place and then me. Ignored her and kept walking. She seemed nice but i really didnt want pierres to close on me, if it did I wouldn't be able to sell anything until Thursday.

Leah:wait up! Where are you headed?
Y/n:pierres. It closes at 5 and its 3.
Leah:but you have an hour?
Y/n:yeah, it takes awhile to get from here all the way there. I dont want to waste time. No offense.
Leah:well mind if i tag along?

She joined me and asked me why i moved and why i came back. I answered with a straight face. She constantly stopped and ran back to me after hearing a sad answer. It was a little annoying. But she seemed nice and like she was just trying to understand so i didnt let it bug me. We got to pierres and as i entered i heard a shout. It was abby. She had been texting me all day but i left my phone with seb by accident.

Abby:wait..oh you need to sell stuff dont you?
Y/n:yeah..its too late isn't it?
Pierre:you came in just in the nick of time.
Y/n:oh thank yoba! Alright how much.
Pierre:wow ok this is a lot.....um looks like 1000
Y/n:awesome! Thank you so much.
Abby:why did you need the money?
Leah:are you serious?

I forget she doesn't really need money. Her dad is rich and buys her anything and everything. She's never been on her own. Leah looked at her in disgust and i immediately stepped in, abby likes to fight people who look at her that way.

Y/n:because i have to pay robin and i wanted to buy some food. I'm pretty hungry.
Abby:oh right...sorry i guess i kinda forget about the fact that we are adults now.
Leah:yeah well some of us are actually acting like it.
Abby:I'm so sorry this was an A and B conversation
Leah:ya ya i know the insult.
Y/n:I'm gonna head to the saloon bye guys

I left, i didnt want to be an accomplice in leahs murder. As soon as I entered i saw shane in his little corner. I headed to my booth and saw leah head toward me too. She sat down and male version of her sat next to her.

Leah:this is elliot
Elliot:i saw you this morning picking up shells
Y/n:um yeah, I'm y/n. Sorry i didnt see you, i woulda introduced myself sooner.
Elliot:oh its because i live in that shack on the beach. I didnt want to leave my house just yet, i was still writing. I only took a break to look at who was outside making noise.

I forgot i was being loud while fixing that bridge. We shared some food and spilt the check. Elliot talked about his career as a writer and leah told me that she was an artist. They both moved here 2 years ago to escape the city. It was actually kinda weird to think about, usually people dont just move to stardew. But here we have 2 people who've never heard of the place and found it on a whim and moved here and both of them have isolated themselves it seems. I said goodbye to elliot and leah and i headed to her house.

Leah:so y/n...
Leah:um are you dating anyone
Y/n:oh no, although it might seem like something i should do i really would rather get my life set up so that i dont have to worry about myself and a partner.
Leah:partner...ok well have a goodnight. And thanks for walking me home.

I then realized i am sleeping at sebs. I forgot about that. I headed back up my farm to see robin still working. She stopped as soon as she saw me and we headed back to her place. I handed her 1000 gold to get a little bit of a payment in. She thanked me and i went downstairs to find seb shirtless in his room. It looked like he was looking for his hoodie but i couldnt focus on anything except his shoulders and back. Every part of me froze and I started blushing. I'm an idiot for this, i liked seb when we were kids but he told me he liked sam then they dated in high school and i never actually got a chance to ask him out. But now i dont know where they stand or anything honestly. All i know is hes hot and muscular under that old hoodie.

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