Chapter 31

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The gentle, calming sounds of chirping birds flowed over head, carried by the early newleaf breeze. The scent of blooming flowers and growing leaves filled Moonwhisker with a sense of calm, a sensation she hadn't felt in so long. She sniffed the air, tracking down the scent of poppies. She padded through the forest until she spotted the bright red flower. She sat down in front of it while starting to collect the seeds. Moonwhisker allowed herself some time to relax, not that leaf-bare was over.

The deaths of Scorchlight, Ripplestep and Mistypool were still clinging to her pelt like heavy burrs. Especially the loss of her mother, she wished that she could've done more. It hurt even worse that Eagleclaw had made Moonwhisker take care off the less sick cats in Goldenstar's den. She hadn't been there to help with any of the three cats who died.

She didn't know why Eagleclaw had sent her away, not allowing her to help. I'm a medicine cat too. I could've helped. Moonwhisker was sure that he was doing this just to protect her, but he couldn't do that forever. She had been a medicine cat for a long time, she had to learn how to deal with these things. She would've felt better if she would have been able to help, but know she felt like she wasn't even given a chance.

When Moonwhisker had enough poppy seeds she started venturing back to camp, another issue nagging at her mind. Even before the deaths of Mistypool and Ripplestep she had been worried about Echoheart, but now her sister had gotten even worse. She wasn't talking to anyone, Moonwhisker had tried reaching out to her but she had either ignored Moonwhisker or brushed her off, it was starting to feel helpless. Moonwhisker let out a small sigh as she walked back, she was running out of ideas. It seemed as if everything in her life was starting to crumble around her. I need to make sure my sisters are okay.

Moonwhisker finally reached camp, which was lively and fully active. Cats were heading out for patrols and talking over prey. They were welcoming the warmer weather, but there was still a chill in Moonwhisker's chest. The anxiety that crept up inside her made her feel nauseous, she couldn't shake it no matter how hard she tried, it was suffocating at times. Moonwhisker kept her eyes focused on the path ahead of her, trying to keep her mind focused on anything else.

She padded forward until she reached her den. She set the poppies down and started separating the seeds from the flowers. If she could just focus on her tasks, maybe the anxiety would pass and everything could just return to normal. She worked slowly, counting each poppy seed in her mind. She was simply allowed herself to black out any intrusive thoughts. She managed to keep this up for quite a while.

"Moonwhisker may I speak to you?" Moonwhisker glanced up from her herbs, turning over her should at the cat that entered her den. It was Hazelfern, looking slightly concerned. Moonwhisker rose to her paws and turned to face the she-cat.

"Of course, Hazelfern." Moonwhisker dipped her head slightly. "What can I do for you?"

"I've been feeling a little strange these past few days." Hazelfern padded softly into the medicine cat den.

"How so?" Moonwhisker looked her up and down, nothing seemed to be visibly wrong with her.

"I've been feel sickly and I have absolutely no energy lately, I can never get enough sleep, I'm always tired and I'm just worried something is wrong with me."

"Let me take a look." Moonwhisker approached Hazelfern, giving her several sniffs, she could scent any illness on her body. "Have you been eating?"

"Yes actually, I'm always hungry but eating makes me feel sick." Moonwhisker was pretty sure she knew what was going on but she had to be certain.

"Would you mind laying down on your side?"

"Sure." Hazelfern listened without complain, laying down and showing her belly to Moonwhisker. Moonwhisker ran her paw slowly across Hazelfern's belly. It was definitely getting bigger, and not from increased food consumption.

"You can stand up now." She noticed Hazelfern struggling slightly to stand up.

"So is something wrong with me?"

"Quite the opposite." Moonwhisker purred. "You're expecting kits, Hazelfern." Her green eyes lit up almost immediately, her expression shifting into one of pure love and joy.

"Oh that's wonderful! I am so excited to tell Graypelt!" Her tail started waving happily. "How far along am I? Do you know?"

"I would say about half a moon." Moonwhisker assessed. "You can move into the nursery at any point you would like, if you feel any pressing symptoms you should move as soon as you can and of course come see me if you ever have any concerns."

"Of course, Moonwhisker." Hazelfern was purring loudly, her eyes shining brighter than the sun. "Thank you so much, Graypelt is going to be so happy!" Hazelfern turned around and quickly padded out of the medicine cat den. After a few moments, Moonwhisker also stepped outside, she peered across camp and spotted Hazelfern approaching Graypelt.

The gray tom was sitting with Lilyclaw, his tail resting across his paws. Moonwhisker couldn't hear the conversation but after a few moments, Graypelt jumped to his paws and eagerly nuzzled Hazelfern. Lilyclaw stood up, nuzzling her brother with affection. Moonwhisker felt warmth flood her chest as she turned back into her den. Now that newleaf was here, AshClan was bound to get more kits. We're thriving. Moonwhisker thought. AshClan will always thrive.

The thought was bittersweet however, Moonwhisker still felt the loss of her Clanmates weighing heavily on her shoulders. She missed her mother dearly, she knew that Mistypool was happy and safe in StarClan, but she also knew it could be a very long time until she ever heard her mother's voice again. Moonwhisker let out a quiet sigh before returning to her work.

She heard heavy pawsteps a few moments later and Eagleclaw entered the den, his jaws holding a mouthful of yarrow. "Welcome back." Moonwhisker greeted her mentor, turning to him for a moment. He set the herbs down and didn't respond, his eyes seemed distracted. Moonwhisker looked at her paws for a moment. "Hazelfern is expecting kits." She spoke up.

"That's good news." Eagleclaw's voice was still distracted. Moonwhisker wished she could tell what was wrong with him, he had been acting distant for a while now. Moonwhisker let out a quiet sigh and turned back to her herbs. Clan life has returned to normal. Moonwhisker thought. Cats are having kits and AshClan is thriving and yet... Moonwhisker looked over to Eagleclaw. Things in the medicine cat den have changed. 

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