Chapter 6

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"Say Graywillow comes to you with a belly ache, what will you do?" Eagleclaw questioned, looking at Moonpaw intensely.

"First I'd ask her if she had any other symptoms such as nausea or vomiting." Eagleclaw nodded slowly and Moonpaw. "If she doesn't have any other symptoms then I will give her water mint and tell her to rest. If she is vomiting then I will give her some willow leaves."

"Very good." Eagleclaw praised and Moonpaw held her head high. "What if Lionpaw comes to you with a thorn deep in his paw. He says it really hurts, but the thorn looks really small. Is he being dramatic? Or will you look deeper into it."

"I'll take him seriously. I'll give his paw a sniff to see if its infected or not. If it is, I will treat it with horsetail and cobweb and keep him off duties for the rest of the day. If it's not infected then I will lick his paw to get the thorn out, I'll then treat it with marigold to prevent and infection from forming."

"You're a quick learner." Eagleclaw twitched his tail. "Half a moon isn't a lot of time to learn everything, but you're on your way there. Soon you'll be even smarter than me, I'm sure of it."

"I doubt that." Moonpaw purred loudly as she rose to her paws. "You're the smartest medicine cat in the whole forest."

"I don't know about that." Eagleclaw snorted. "Do me a favor and take some ragwort and juniper to Cinderclaw. She's been complaining about stiff joints. It's amazing Sandnose's ears haven't fallen off from her constant talking."

Moonpaw purred in amusement, Eagleclaw was kind to her but barely had enough patience to deal with his Clanmates. During her first few days as an apprentice, she noticed how short Eagleclaw's temper was. He would snap easily, and she questioned why Eagleclaw became a medicine cat in the first place if he didn't like dealing with annoying Clanmates, but when she saw him work she knew that Eagleclaw was an incredible medicine cat.

He was focuses, dutiful and had an amazing memory. He knew every herb and what it did while Moonpaw struggled to learn even half of them. She didn't complain, though, she absolutely loved learning. She loved helping her Clanmates, and she didn't mind all the little annoyances or getting ticks off with mouse bile. The elders had sharp tongues, but the sigh of relief each time is what made it all worth it.

Moonpaw gathered up the ragwort and quickly trotted to the medicine cat den, her tail waving behind her. As she crossed camp she took note of daily Clan life. Hollypaw and Mousepaw conversed over some prey while Heatherstorm watched over Lilykit and Graykit. Ivyheart organized patrols and the warriors happily listened and did what they were instructed to do.

Moonpaw approached the elder's den and poked her head inside where Cinderclaw and Sandnose were talking. Both old queens were resting in their nests, talking about SunClan's elder Fishtail. Sandnose noticed Moonpaw first and turned her attention towards her. "Oh hello, Moonpaw."

"Hello, you two." Moonpaw bowed her head, speaking through the ragwort. She set the herb down in front of Cinderclaw. "This is for you, courtesy of Eagleclaw."

Cinderclaw snorted and quickly ate the herb. "Honestly it's a good thing we have a cute little thing to look at now. I was starting to get sick of Eagleclaw and his attitude. Not to mention Featherstorm was older than dirt. It's refreshing to see such a pretty little apprentice."

Moonpaw's pelt burned at the compliment and her paws felt lighter. "Well, I'm glad I can be helpful." She purred. "If the two of you ever need anything, don't hesitate to ask." She waved her tail and left the elders to gossip. She reached the medicine cat den again and nodded towards Eagleclaw.

"How'd it go?" He questioned, setting out some leaves to dry.

"She said she was happy to see a friendly face." Moonpaw teased her mentor.

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