Chapter 24

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Riverstorm arose from her nest, letting out a heavy yawn. She glanced around the warriors den, seeing that most of her Clanmates were still in their nests with the exception of Mousetail who was sitting guard and Echoheart. Riverstorm briefly wondered where her sister had gone, but quickly realized she didn't care. What Echoheart did was none of Riverstorm's concern.

Two moons had passed since she had her fight with Echoheart and while they had come to the silent agreement to attempt to get along for the sake of Moonwhisker. This had resulted in the two of them becoming nothing more than Clanmates to each other. They would sometimes patrol together, hunt together but that was about it. Riverstorm had no interest in reforming her relationship with Echoheart, it was already gone.

Riverstorm shoved away the thoughts of her sister away and stepped out into the camp. Leaf-fall had arrived in the forest and with it brought the bitter cold mornings that Riverstorm hated. Frosty air bit at her ear tips and it was a sour reminder that leafbare wasn't far off. Riverstorm thought back to the last leafbare, she had still been just an apprentice but sickness had claimed one of Goldenstar's lives, as well as the life of Tawnyfrost. AshClan was lucky to have not faced more loss, she recalled that SunClan had lost a warrior and two kits.

Riverstorm glanced over at the nursery which was currently full of excitable kits. StarClan please let the sickness stay away from them. She did her best to ignore the thoughts of kits getting sick, she knew that both Eagleclaw and Moonwhisker were incredibly skilled medicine cats and would keep the Clan healthy. But then there's Goldenstar. The sensation of fear crept into Riverstorm's chest. She only has two lives left. What if she gets sick and loses another one? Her tail twitched with anxiety, what would AshClan do without Goldenstar?

She tried to imagine AshClan being led by Ivyheart, the deputy was skilled and brave but could she even compare to Goldenstar? Goldenstar was the greatest leader in the forest, she led AshClan without fear, they were a respected and revered Clan. Riverstorm didn't care what other cats said about Goldenstar, she was the reason AshClan was so strong.

Riverstorm knew that someday Goldenstar would join StarClan, this wasn't something that could be changed, but Riverstorm wanted to make sure that AshClan would be led with her ideals, its what would keep AshClan strong. If only I could be leader. Riverstorm thought. If Riverstorm was able to succeed Goldenstar then she would lead AshClan the same way that Goldenstar did, she would keep AshClan strong.

If Ivyheart became leader however, her leadership could span generations and Riverstorm may never get a chance. Riverstorm shook her head slowly, she shouldn't be so focused on this. Goldenstar still had two lives left, those lives could last a long time. Ivyheart's getting older, she could retire during that time, and I know Goldenstar trusts me enough to make me deputy. She once again turned her attention to the nursery. But I need an apprentice. She really wanted to mentor either Rosekit and Blossomkit, they were Goldenstar's kin after all, the daughters of Lionpelt. She would raise one of them into a fine warrior. She wouldn't mind mentoring one of Ravenfur's kits, she would just have to wait longer.

"Good morning, Riverstorm." The voice of Ivyheart broke Riverstorm's thoughts, she turned away from the nsery and glanced towards the gray tabby who stepped out of the warrior's den. "Since you're up why don't you lead the dawn patrol? Take Gorsestrike, Petalpaw, Windheart and Graywillow with you."

"Sure thing." Riverstorm dipped her head respectfully and turned back into the warriors den. She woke each of the assigned warriors and waited for them to wake up and get prepared while Gorsestrike woke Petalpaw.

Once they were all gathered, Riverstorm led the patrol out into the chilly forest. As they padded through the pine trees, Riverstorm kept her senses on high alert. Behind her, Graywillow let out a yawn. "I think I'm getting too old for this kind of weather." She complained. "I think I see the elders den in my future."

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