Chapter 7

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"Graypaw! Lilypaw! Graypaw! Lilypaw!" The cats of AshClan cheered their new apprentices, but Riverpaw really couldn't care less about the whole thing. The apprentice den was already crowded enough. Her paws were itching to get out into the territory and train. The meeting finally broke off and Riverpaw rushed up to Silverstripe who was talking with Graywillow.

"Silverstripe!" She called her mentors name. "Can we go out hunting now? Or battle training? I'm so bored."

"We'll go out later, Riverpaw." Silverstripe mewed sternly. When she let out a groan he added. "The day is still young, we'll have plenty of time, plus you need to work on your night hunting."

"Only MoonClan cats hunt at night." Riverpaw pointed out, flicking her tail in annoyance.

"Sometimes AshClan cats have to as well." Silverstripe's voice grew sharp. "Now I said we will go out later, be patient." Riverpaw turned away letting out a heavy sigh. She looked around camp, hoping for something to do. The first thing she saw was Duskwhisker sitting outside the nursery talking with her mate, Owlstorm. The she-cat was the newest nursery residence, soon to be having kits. Like we need anymore. Riverpaw thought bitterly. She hoped she would be a warrior by the time the little things became apprentices.

She knew that Lionpaw and Hazelpaw were approaching their warrior ceremonies and Mudpaw and Cloverpaw wouldn't be far behind them. Riverpaw had been an apprentice for two moons now, and she was already eager to become a warrior. She hated being told what to do, she hated being told she couldn't go out and hunt.

Movement caught Riverpaw's eyes and she spotted Lionpaw and Hazelpaw padding towards the camp entrance, with no mentors. Feeling curious, Riverpaw ran after them. "Where are you guys going?" She questioned.

"We're going hunting." Hazelpaw explained.

"Without your mentors?" Riverpaw asked.

Lionpaw nodded. "They're busy, so they told us to go out on our own. We're almost warriors after all."

"Can I come with you?" Riverpaw asked, glancing over her shoulder to make sure Silverstripe couldn't see or hear her. "I feel like I'm going crazy."

"Are you sure Silverstripe would be alright with that?" Hazelpaw questioned with concern in her voice.

"Yeah, he's busy talking with Graywillow anyway. He would want me to go out and do something useful instead of sitting around camp. Plus, like you said, you guys are almost warriors, right?"

"I guess." Hazelpaw seemed unsure, but Lionpaw didn't seem to have any issues about it.

"Alright, let's get going then." Lionpaw mewed, together the three of them padded out in the future. I don't have time to waste sitting around camp chit catting like some hen. Riverpaw thought, holding her head high. Leaf-bare is coming quickly, and I need my skills to be sharpened.

Riverpaw followed the two siblings into the pine trees, breathing in the sweet scent of AshClan territory. "So how's your training going so far, Riverpaw?" Lionpaw questioned as they padded through the forest.

"Good," Riverpaw replied. "I just wish Silverstripe had the energy I did. I could train all day long and he always limits me. It's frustrating."

"Silverstripe may not have been the best choice of mentor for you," Hazelpaw pointed out. "Silverstripe is a very skilled and patient cat, but you have far too much energy for him. Frankly you need someone who can discipline you."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Riverpaw wrinkled her nose.

"Riverpaw you're arrogant," Lionpaw said bluntly. "You need someone to knock you on your tail from time to time."

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