Chapter 20

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Echoheart rose from her nest, letting out a heavy yawn. She had barely slept, but this was a feeling she had gotten used to. She climbed out of the den and looked over her camp, the warm sunshine welcoming her. Echoheart smelled the early greenleaf air, feeling energy and light despite her lack of sleep. She had been visiting Cedarclaw nearly every night for two moons now, and every night was better than the last.

They couldn't visit every night due to them sometimes needing to guard the camp over night or gatherings, but they met when they could. Echoheart had found true happiness, and part of her didn't care that she had found it in a MoonClan warrior. She had fallen in love, and that's all that mattered to her.

In the two moons since their first meeting, many things had changed for AshClan. Featherkit was named an apprentice a moon after, being assigned Mistypool as a mentor. Just a few days ago, AshClan also welcomed Leafpaw and Petalpaw as apprentices. They were given Cloverstrike and Mudthorn as mentors. Echoheart knew that Riverstorm had been secretly angered that neither apprentice had been given to her. Good. Echoheart had thought when Leafpaw and Petalpaw had their ceremony. Last thing AshClan needs is one more cat like Goldenstar and Riverstorm.

The nursery wasn't empty for long as Rainsong moved into the nursery just a few days after Featherpaw and Duskwhisker moved out, expecting Lionpelt's kits to no one's surprise. With her round belly, she would be giving birth any day now. About a moon ago, Ravenfur moved into the nursery as well, expecting Mousetail's kits.

Each time Echoheart saw the expecting queens, their bellies round and their mates doting on them, it filled Echoheart with jealousy. She wanted kits, she wanted to be in the nursery with the cat she loved. Echoheart thought constantly about having kits with Cedarclaw. There was part of her that hoped one day she would, she would happily leave AshClan behind and move to MoonClan to raise their kits. She hadn't brought it up with Cedarclaw yet, but she knew he would want that as well.

"Echoheart!" She heard a voice call her name and turned to Ivyheart. The deputy was standing in the center of camp. "Come join the border patrol." Echoheart quickly padded over to her Clanmates, joining Ivyheart, Hazelfern, Spiderheart and Windheart. Without hesitation, the border patrol set out into the forest.

Echoheart found herself looking towards MoonClan territory, longing to be with Cedarclaw. He's all I can ever think about these days. "Hey, Echoheart." Lilyclaw spoke up. "You've been super giddy these past couple moons." She pointed out, causing Echoheart's pelt to burn. "Something you're not telling the rest of us?" She eyed Echoheart curiously. "Maybe a tom in your life?"

She's sharp. Echoheart noted. "Maybe." She purred. "But it's nothing official, I can't say anything just yet."

"Ooooh." Lilyclaw's eyes sparkled. "Come on, you have to tell me."

Echoheart shook her head. "It's a secret. If something comes up, then you'll know." Echoheart had almost already made up her mind about leaving the Clan. She wasn't scared, what life was there for her in AshClan? She could happily live in MoonClan, she would miss Moonwhisker and Mistypool as well as the pine trees, but she would be with the cat she loved. "It's only a matter of time, I hope." She told Lilyclaw.

Not even the jabs of her sister and Clanmates could get to Echoheart, she desperately wanted to tell Cedarclaw her true feelings. They hadn't officially told each other that they loved each other, but Cedarclaw had to feel the same way. Echoheart felt like a lovesick apprentice every time she was around him, their conversations could go on all night and she would never notice the time passing. There's never enough time. Echoheart thought sadly. But if we were together always...

The border patrol went without issue and the patrol returned to camp to find excitement buzzing in the air. Echoheart spotted Moonwhisker rushing back and forth between the medicine cat den and the nursery. "What's going on?" She questioned Ripplestep who was watching from the fresh-kill pile.

"Rainsong is kitting." He explained. "She just started."

"How exciting." Ivyheart purred loudly. "We haven't had new kits since Leafpaw and Petalpaw were born."

New kits are always a good sign. Echoheart thought. So why do I feel so jealous?


The sun began to set and with it came the birth of Rainsong's and Lionpelt's kits. Lionpelt proudly announced his two daughters Rosekit and Blossomkit. Cats rushed into the nursery to see them, even Goldenstar welcomed the kits. They're her kin, I suppose. Echoheart thought. Though I didn't think Goldenstar actually cared about her family.

"I can't wait until they're six moons old." Echoheart overheard Riverstorm talking to Graypelt.

"So sure you'll get to mentor one of them?" Echoheart spoke up, catching her sister's sharp gaze.

"Of course I will." Riverstorm snorted. "They're Goldenstar's kin, who else would she trust to mentor one of them other than me. Her own apprentice."

"Just because you were Goldestar's apprentice doesn't mean you're better than anyone else. There are cats older than you who deserve apprentices too."

"It's not about age, Echoheart." Riverstorm sneered. "It's about experience and skill. Which is why I'll get an apprentice before you ever do."

Echoheart rolled her eyes. "See I don't care, because I'm not in a rush to get an apprentice."

"No surprise there." Riverstorm twitched her tail. "You've never rushed to do anything in your life, which might be why you're still no better than an apprentice."

Anger sparked inside of Echoheart and she rose to her paws. "Excuse me?" She hissed. Before Riverstorm could respond, Graypelt stepped in the way.

"Calm down now," Graypelt urged them. "Let's not start a fight."

"It wouldn't be much of a fight." Riverstorm growled before walking away, flicking her tail in annoyance. Graypelt followed behind and she joined with Cloverstrike and Mousetail. Echoheart rolled her eyes. Stupid, Riverstorm. She needs to watch her mouth. Echoheart would give anything just for once chance to claw the whiskers off of her sister.

The night went on and Echoheart found herself longing to see Cedarclaw with each passing moment. The argument with her sister and the birth of new kits had left Echoheart feeling incredibly emotional. He's the only one who can calm my mind.

Echoheart left camp the way she usually did, completely undetected. She padded confidently through the forest, taking the path she had for so long now. She reached the gathering hollow where Cedarclaw was waiting eagerly. "Good evening, beautiful." Cedarclaw purred.

Feeling soothed at his words, Echoheart touched her muzzle to his and pressed her body against his warm pelt. "How was your day?" He questioned after a moment, stepping back.

"Long." Echoheart sighed. "Almost got into a fight with my sister." She twitched her tail. "And Rainsong gave birth today."

"Is that bad?" Cedarclaw tilted her his head.

"No it just reminds me of how much I want kits." Echoheart explained. Cedarclaw's eyes suddenly filled with alarm.

"Y-you want kits?" He mewed, Echoheart felt fear grip her heart at his reaction.

"Someday," Echoheart touched her cheek to his. "But I'm not worried about it happening soon." He seemed to calm down slightly, but his body was still tense.

"I never even really thought about it." Echoheart's chest ached more. "What would even happen if you and I had kits."

"I guess I would move to MoonClan." Echoheart had to pretend like she hadn't been thinking about this nearly every day. "If Cloudstar would allow it, of course. If I had kits with a cat from another Clan, AshClan would hate me. More than they already do."

"Well," Cedarclaw took a deep breath. "That's not something we have to worry about right now. I'm not ready for kits," Upon seeing Echoheart's heartbroken reaction, he raised his voice a little. "Someday maybe, but for now I just want it to be you and me. I don't want anything to take these peaceful nights away from us."

He's right. Echoheart purred loudly, nuzzling into his fur. "I agree." These nights were perfect, she didn't need kits yet. She had him, and that was all she needed. 

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