Chapter 29

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"Take a breath please." Moonwhisker instructed, listening to Leafpaw's chest. The she-cat took a deep breath as told. "Again." She took another deep breath and Moonwhisker could hear how raspy it was, she sounded like she was struggling. After her second breath she let out a series of coughs. Moonwhisker looked at her sadly. "Lay down, Leafpaw." Moonwhisker told her and padded over to the herb store, grabbing a small amount of coltsfoot leaves. "Take these."

Leafpaw had been taking plenty of coltsfoot so she took it without arguing. Her whitecough doesn't seem to be progressing, but I worry about her breathing. Moonwhisker thought and took another look around the medicine cat den. In the half moon since Ripplestep and Leafpaw had moved into the medicine cat den, both of them had progressed to whitecough but Leafpaw had it worse compared to Ripplestep. They had also been joined by Dustclaw who had a minor cough and fever.

Once Leafpaw finished her coltsfoot, Moonwhisker padded over to Eagleclaw. "How is Leafpaw?" Eagleclaw questioned.

"Her symptoms aren't getting worse, but they're not getting better either." Moonwhisker explained.

"We're running low on feverfew." Eagleclaw's tail twitched. "I used a lot of it trying to get Dustclaw's fever down the other night."

"I can go out and gather more." Moonwhisker suggested.

Eagleclaw shook his head. "I'll go get it, you stay here with them. Check around camp too, see if anyone else is showing symptoms."

"Alright, Eagleclaw." Moonwhisker agreed and after a few moments, Eagleclaw ventured out into the cold. After making sure everyone in the medicine cat den was taken care of, Moonwhisker padded out into the camp. The Clan had been working hard to provide everyone with enough prey and the fresh-kill pile was filled with plenty of prey. At least hunger wasn't going to be an issue this leaf-bare, Moonwhisker could focus solely on the sick cats, knowing that at least their bellies would be full.

Moonwhisker looked around the camp, trying to search for any signs of sickness, but most of her Clanmates seemed to be doing just fine. Moonwhisker took a moment to get herself a small mouse and sit outside her den, enjoying the fresh-air. As she ate her mouse, she heard pawsteps approaching. She turned her head to the side and saw Mistypool padding up to her.

"Good morning, Moonwhisker." Mistypool greeted with a purr and a dip of her head. "I don't think I can remember the last time I saw you relaxing."

Moonwhisker let out a small chuckle. "It's been a while, and I can't rest for long. I have patients that I need to tend to."

"All three of you seem to be working your paws off." Mistypool chuckled. "I don't think I've gotten to talk to any of you in what feels like moons."

"This is a busy season." Moonwhisker replied and finished off her mouse. She would love to stay and talk to her mother, but she couldn't leave the sick cats unattended for long. "I need to get back to them, it's about time for Ripplestep to take some herbs."

"Alright." Mistypool purred and touched her muzzle to Moonwhisker's forehead. "Don't forget to take care of yourself."

"I won't." Moonwhisker let out a soft purr, feeling comforted by her mother's words and touch. She turned around to enter the medicine cat den, but as she stepped through the entrance she heard a cough behind her. Moonwhisker's paws froze in place and looked over her shoulder. Mistypool was coughing lightly, clearing her throat afterwards.

"Are you alright?" Moonwhisker asked frantically, touching her muzzle to Mistypool's forehead. She didn't feel feverish, but the cough was concerning.

"I'm alright, Moonwhisker." Mistypool assured her, taking a step back. "It's just a small cough."

"It's never just a cough during this season." Moonwhisker argued. "I want you to rest in the medicine cat den tonight and take some herbs, if you're not coughing by tomorrow then you can return to the warriors den, okay?"

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