
Start from the beginning

Ten sighed rubbing his back.

"Oh baby, if you miss him why not call him? We don't live that far."

Win-win cried more which made ten worry.

"i...I can't...he.... doesn't want to...to talk to me anymore..."

He sobbed loudly his breaths rapid and uneven.

"Hey, hey, what do you mean chengie? Tell me exactly what happened." Kun said softly.

Win-win took a minute to breathe. He rose his head up slightly making it easier to talk.

"Yuta...Yuta is too busy with mark to hang out with me...he...he likes mark more than me..."

"Oh baby, I'm sure that's not true, you know how much Yuta loves you don't you?"

"Gege... I texted him four times...when he didn't answer i...I called him and when he answered he said he was...out somewhere with mark. Then, mark went live and...and...Yuta took him to...to the arcade... our arcade..."

The elders didn't know what to say.

"i...I guess mark is a better best friend for him than me..." he sniffled as his eyes re-filled with tears.

"I'm so sorry Sicheng... I'm sure this is some kind of misunderstanding."

Tears rolled down win-win's face as he nodded.

"it's okay chengie, come here." Kun reached around the smaller hugging him tightly letting him cry some more in his shoulder.

Ten snuck out of the room with furrowed brows. He called Yuta tapping his foot impatiently on the hallway floor.

The phone rang three times before Yuta answered.

"Ten! What's up?" he said cheerfully.

"Nakamoto Yuta how dare you!" ten scolded.

"Woah, what? What did I do?"

"Are you kidding me? do you not realize how awful you've been to Sicheng?"

"What? What do you mean?"

"Sicheng is crying because he feels like you don't love him anymore. When you hung up on him because you were with mark, and then went to your special arcade with mark? You didn't think that would hurt him?"

"Wait, I didn't mean- hang on, did you say he's crying?"

"Yes Yuta, kun is trying to comfort him but he's utterly heartbroken right now."


"I suggest you get your ass over here and talk to him." Ten growled.

"I'm on my way." With that, he hung up and rushed over to the Wayv dorms.

Ten peeked in the doorway seeing Sicheng resting silently on kun's shoulder as he cooed softly to him.

"Hey gege, can you come here for a second?" ten called.

Kun nodded kissing the top of sicheng's head.

"I'll be right back, okay?"

He slipped out of win-win's hold and went over to ten closing the bedroom door.

"what's going on?"

"Yuta is coming over, I told him to fix this."

"Good, I should smack him for this." Kun spat crossing his arms.

Just then the doorbell rang. They both went to the door and opened it revealing a worried Yuta.

"he's in his room." kun said coldly.

Yuta nodded and rushed through the house up to win-win's room. he burst through the door startling the younger.

He looked up with red eyes seeing the Japanese boy in front of him.

He turned away from him wiping his face.

"What do you want?"

"Sichengie, please forgive me... I didn't realize how much I'd been neglecting you... or how close I was getting to mark..."

"Whatever... just go Yuta."

"Sicheng please?"

Winwin kept his eyes away from Yuta as tears filled them. Before he could stop them, they rushed down his face.

Yuta felt guilt shoot through his chest.

He pulled Sicheng into his chest holding him tight.

"Sicheng please don't cry."

"Why Yuta?... why...why don't you like me anymore? i... know I don't live there anymore but... but did that mean you...had to re.... replace me?"

"Hey, hey, chengie what are you talking about? I never stopped loving you chengie...and you've never been replaced please don't think like that."

"Then...why did you take mark to our place?! Why did you... why did you change your home screen?"

"Chengie i...I'm so sorry. I am so so sorry, that was incredibly stupid of me, and I should have never neglected your feelings like that... me and mark just got close after they split up our groups and you moved away." Yuta felt the boy still very tense in his arms. He sighed reaching his hand up to stroke the back of win-win's head.

"Listen to me chengie okay?"

Sicheng nodded against his shoulder.

"When you left, I was really sad, especially since Wayv were so busy the first few weeks and I never got to see you or talk to you. It was affecting my work and mark was the one who helped me feel better about you being gone all the time... we started to hang out and mark became really important to me, I guess I didn't realize how close we got..."

Sicheng rose up slightly and looked at Yuta.

"You were really that sad when I left?"

"of course, I was Sicheng. They took away my favorite person." He gave a small smile as he brushed a piece of win-win's hair behind his ear.

"I'm sorry for taking mark to our place chengie... I promise I'll never neglect you or your feelings ever again."

"it's okay Yuta, I'm sorry I got so upset, I just...I was afraid of losing you."

Yuta leaned forward and pressed a kiss to win-win's forehead.

"You will never lose me chengie, never ever."

Win-win smiled softly wrapping his arms around Yuta's neck and pulling him into a soft warm hug.

Yuta sighed deeply against win-win.

"I love you Sicheng."

"I love you too Yuta."

When they broke apart, they laid down in win-win's bed, win-win cuddled up against Yuta's chest, their legs tangled together, and Yuta's arms wrapped securely around the Chinese boy.

They laid there watching tv for a while before they fell asleep, their noses pressed together, content smiles on their sleeping faces.

After some time, ten and kun came to check on them since it had been really quiet for a while. They opened the door and smiled at the sleeping boys.

"I guess everything is okay now." Kun whispered.

"Thank god, I was ready to punch Yuta in the face." Ten whispered back.

Kun snorted.

"Yeah, like you were gonna face off against Yuta."

"Shut up kun." Ten playfully punched kun's arm.

"Come on, let's let them sleep." Kun laughed wrapping his arm around ten's shoulders.

They closed the door and went back downstairs.

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