Girlfriend Corporation: Fifty Seven

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"H-hi." I muttered awkwardly before sitting beside her. Creating a small and safe distance away from her. I fidgeted on my seat not knowing where to look at and where to start when I initiated this talk.

"I miss you." That made me whipped my head on her direction. Her voice cracked at the end and the way she was staring at me was breaking my heart. It was pure longing and hopelessness.

I'm just as hopeless as you, Ryujin. But you have so many chance to reset it all and be happy; be free. Why do you have to do this to yourself.

"It's hurting me too. Chaeyoung and you.. Yeji and I. Where the hell is this going? I've got no choice--"

"Yes, you have, Ryujin. There always is a choice. You could have listened to Chaeryeong. Find a way to quit. And if you miss me, why can't you do anything about it?" I snarled holding myself back. I wanted to stay as composed as I can. I don't want to be emotional again. "But I didn't came here to discuss that matter all over again." But she was persistent so I just let her be. If she wanted another match over her own stupidity so be it.

"You don't understand--"

"Then make me understand, Ryujin. I'm here, aren't I? I told you before, I'm here. I want you to tell me not everything. Just enough things to make me sane. Just enough to make me understand things. Unless you do that, we're just going back at one. We'll continue hurting, Ryujin. Both of us. Because I miss you too.. and this hurts me too." I'm mostly hurting the way you're hurting yourself, Ryujin. There's nothing wrong with being selfish at times. "She's not yours, right?" I faced my body on her and saw how she looked up at me with fear in her eyes.

"W-w-what are y-you talking about?" Her eyes widening and the fear washed over face told me that she knows what I'm talking about.

"I saw them.. Heejin and Yeonjun. Zephora's not yours, Ryujin. Am I right?" I took a huge gulp and waited for Ryujin's answer. But instead, I saw how the non stop tears streamed down her pretty face. She just stared at me. As if she was unaware that she was crying.

Yes. It was Yeonjun and Heejin that I saw earlier. I've been thinking about it. Looking at Zephora, Ryujin, and her sister's face structure and features. And Zephora resembles Heejin more than Ryujin. It's the thing that has been bothering me all along. Even the first time Ryujin introduced her as her daughter. That's why I always thought her answers were all so vague. She wanted me to believe that Zeph was hers. And that is the confusing part. Why did she have to do that? Why did she have to cover her sister up even with that?

"N-no. You're wrong--"

"Until when are you going to lie to me, Ryujin?! Was the reason why you don't want to leave GFC a lie too?! Because I'm so confused! Your sister get to live her teenage life and hid her own daughter for her to be called what? A single saint? And you as a person who got pregnant at the age of 17?! You let her steal the past five years of your life, Ryujin. What are you thinking?!" I spat out harshly. Failing miserably to stay in composure. "That's why I found it odd. That's why I always had a bad feeling over your sister's behavior. She was so desperate to make Zephora looked like you. Forcing her to dye her hair the same as yours and such; yet you never complained. She's freaking three, Ryujin. The only thing that Zephora gotten from you was your whiskers. The rest was Heejin's feature. I overlooked it at first because you were siblings and I thought it's only natural to look like your niece or your daughter. There are some cases like that, I know. You never stopped studying. All you did was transfer. Meanwhile, your sister, is still on her last year of college when she's a year older than you. And if I remember correctly, you never mentioned that your sister was on the same year as you. There's no way that you both started studying on the same year. Zephora's age doesn't make sense as well. You didn't finished high school on your old school so she was supposed to be 4 years old already by now. Unless she stayed in your womb for two years." I sarcastically added the last sentence. "Can't you understand, Ryujin? To think that she told me herself that she wanted you to stay at that goddamn corporation was already a red flag! She wanted you to stay in the corporation for what? Your sister.. your sister is insane, Ryujin. She's insane for putting you in that situation at that age. And you're just as insane for letting her do that to you. She's basically.. exploiting you at the corporation and you're not doing anything about it? Wake up.. stop doing this to yourself." I whispered the last sentence. It was almost inaudible that even myself almost didn't catch it.

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