Chapter 36: Goodbye Despair fever

Start from the beginning

"Now then ah!!"

"Ah... What?"

"Open your mouth of course!! How can you eat in that state!!"

"I refuse."

"Or perhaps... You want me to feed you using... My... mouth?"


"I know what you are going to do now? You are going to use..."

I throw the spoon at him.

"W-why?" Teruteru falls back down

Lesson of the day, villains always die because they talked too much.

"Anyway... I... can... eat... alone."

"Well if you say so."

"But... still... thanks."

"No problem!! It's my job to feed everyone after all." Teruteru leaves the room

Well... I guess resting a bit won't hurt...


After a while from the night announcement, the caretakers all leave.

"So... are... you..."

"Oh shut up, I can't wait for you to finish."

"Damn... You..."

"We shouldn't fight each other!!"


"We are not!!"

"Anyway... Step 1... completed... I... guess."

We all look to see tied Mikan on the floor.

"Isn't this a crime??"

"Tying someone is not a crime, Monomi."

"The... best... defense... is... attacking... first... after... all."

"Onigawara-san... Nanami-san. Why are you tying me up?? Did I do something wrong??"

"Quit... your... bullshit... Remnant... of... Despair."

"!! I don't know what are you talking about??"

"Don't... need... to... pretend... You... remembered... everything... right?"


"Only... idiots... can't... realize... your... hot... temperature... when... you... visit... me."

Actually that is a lie... I'm not a doctor just bluffing will be enough.

"...My beloved won't let this slide."

"Sure... Like... she... cared... for... you... at.... all."

"Of course she..."

"Time's up... Monomi... go... to... the... Monobeast."

"Y-yes!!" Monomi jumps out and rushes to the 4th island entrance

"Also... You... sleep... a... bit... When... you... wake... up... You... won't... remember... anything... anyway."


"No wait." Chiaki drugs Mikan and makes her unconscious from behind

"That... is... quick."

"No, I'm bored waiting for you guys to finish... So what now?"

"Hiding... somewhere... until... I... finished."

"That's just bothersome, let's beat Monokuma down."

"Don't.... become... second... Owari... He... can... break... the... rule... to... kill... us..."

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