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"𝙱𝚊𝚋𝚢 𝚋𝚊𝚋𝚢 𝚋𝚊𝚋𝚢 𝚘𝚑𝚑"♡︎❥
☻︎𝕁𝕦𝕤𝕥𝕚𝕟 𝕓𝕚𝕖𝕓𝕖𝕣


IT HAD BEEN TWO WEEKS SINCE JULIA MADE THE group chat, with her, nessa, and Jaden. She and nessa had been texting a lot lately, kind of in secret. Josh didn't know, and Julia knew that she was wrong for not telling him, but she didn't want him to get mad.

Josh was in canada, so Julia had invited nessa over the day after he left. They talked about what happened, getting both sides of the story.

Julia liked the fact that nessa and her were becoming somewhat close again. She even told the girls that her and nessa were working things out, and we're gonna stay as friends.

The girls were happy, because now, they could all hang out. Except for mads. Julia totally understood that mads wouldn't be around as much when nessa would be around.

They did make time for mads to come, so it would just be the original seven of them.

Today, nessa and Julia were going to try and take a drive around downtown LA. Julia knew it was a bad idea. There was no way they weren't gonna get caught.

Julia knew very well that at least one of the paparazzi's would get a picture of them in the car driving.

She sighed, before grabbing her bag and walking out of her apartment.

When she made it down to the lobby of her complex, she saw nessa waiting in her car.

She walks over to the car, opening the door. She climbs in, "Hey." Julia smiles at nessa, who returns the smile, "Hi."

"So, where are we going?" Julia asks, as she puts on her seatbelt, nessa starts the car.

"Um, I don't know. I guess we could drive around downtown like we said, and get drinks?" Nessa suggests, Julia nods, "That sounds good to me."

"Okay then."


NESSA HAD PARKED THE CAR IN A SPACE ON THE SIDE OF the street. Julia takes off her seat belt, turning to look at nessa, "You want a mango smoothie, right?"

Nessa nods, "Yeah." Julia smiles, before getting out of the car. She puts on her mask, and quickly rushes into the smoothie shop, trying not get caught by paparazzi.

She walks up to the front, "Hi, can I get one mango smoothie, and also a pineapple smoothie, please."

"Yes you can. That will be twenty dollars, and your name please?" The lady behind the counter says, as julia gives her a ten dollar bill, "It's julia."

"You may wait over on the side for your order." The lady informs julia, who nods, "Thank you."

As julia stands near the wall, she see's Nessa walk past, with paparazzi following her.

"Mango and pineapple smoothie for julia." A young girl calls out, with two smoothies in a tray.

Julia carefully takes the smoothie's from the young girl, "Thank you so much."

"You're very welcome! Have a great day." The young girl waves, "You too!" Julia smiles, even though the girl couldn't see her smiling.

She quickly rushes back to Nessa car, seeing Nessa was not in the car. Julia sends Nessa a quick message, asking her to open the car door, which she does.

Julia get into the car, placing the smoothie's in the cup holders. She quickly grabs a sweater, that is Nessa, and throws it on, putting up the hoodie.

She looks up, hearing the car door open, seeing Nessa, who is waving at paparazzi.

"Drive, drive, drive!" Julia rushes, as Nessa quickly puts on her seatbelt, starting the car and driving off.

Julia sighs in relief, as Nessa looks at her, "You put on my hoodie?"

"Well, I didn't want paparazzi to find out I was the person in the car with you." Julia exclaims harshly, making Nessa laugh.

"Why'd you even get out the car anyway?" Julia asks, Nessa shrugs, "I don't know, I wanted to make it realistic, you know? So they wouldn't think I was waiting for someone."

"Well, you, Janessa, are one hell of a good thinker in these types of situations." Julia laughs, along with Nessa, "Why Thank you." Nessa replies, taking a sip of her smoothie.


oh but don't worry..
josh is gonna find out
very soon.
be ready y'all. ;)
love you guys. <3
I'm very sorry
that I'm not replying
to comments,
for some odd reason
it won't let me.
but i love all of your
comments, you guys
are literally the best
and make me laugh sm lmao. <3

𝗯𝗮𝗯𝘆 , nessa barrettWhere stories live. Discover now