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[a nessa barrett fan fic]
[nessa x fem oc]

in which,
she was still
in love with her
ex, but jules
loves her.



LETS JUST SAY, IT HAD BEEN A ROUGH WEEK FOR JULIA. with having to deal with a break up, meeting josh's parents for the first time and having multiple meetings that entire week.

she thought she would have a day off. but she was wrong. little did she know her day was about to get much more worse than it already was.

as she sat on her couch, laptop in her hands, working on an essay that needed to be finished. she knew she had already graduated, but her teacher told her she needed to finish this essay before school started back up.

to julia, it was very odd. it's not like she was going back to school, she had graduated, but she just shrugged it off.

the only people she had talked to and seen all week, other than josh, was madi, charli, nailea, amelie and larray.

she talked to her mother, informing her about her and josh's break up, along with her sister.

julia has spent at least 4 hours sitting on her couch, on her laptop. not only doing her essay, but also answering back to emails and to her manger.

julia sighs, placing her laptop on the couch beside her, rubbing her forehead.


AFTER 2 MORE HOURS OF BEING ON HER LAPTOP, JULIA finally decided to turn off her laptop and take a shower. once she finished showering, she changed into a t-shirt and white fluffy shorts with black socks.

she sits at her desk, combing out her hair and braiding it.

julia went out to her living room and cleaned up her couch, picking up the bowl that was on the coffee table, along with a coffee mug.

she washed the dishes, wiped down the counters. she grabbed her laptop and brought it in her room.

placing it on her desk, she walks over to her bed, snuggling into her sheets.

julia puts her phone face first on her night stand. as she slowly falls asleep, a loud ringing noise blast through her room.

julia groans, "can't i just be left alone for one day?" she grabs her phone, to check who's calling.

it was nessa.

julia furrows her eyebrows, clicking the green button. julia puts the phone to her ear, "hello?"

"julia!" nessa pants, sounding like she was running up stairs, "open your door, i'm coming up."

julia sits up, "ness, why are you here—" Julia asks, as she gets out of bed.

nessa sighs, as she has now stopped running, "it's important. and you'll be just as pissed as i am."

"i— okay, i'm coming." Julia opens her bedroom door, walking towards her door.

she opens the door, seeing nessa with her hands on her knees.

nessa walks in, placing her purse on julia's counter.

julia rubs her forehead, "ness, why are you here—" she gets cut off.

"okay, so you know how you told me that someone told josh about, you know.." nessa scratches the back of her neck.

julia sighs, "the kiss?" she asks, nessa nods, "yeah, that.."

after a moment of silence, nessa speaks up again, "i found out who told him."

julia looks at nessa, "who?" she asks quickly.

nessa stays quiet.

julia raises an eyebrow, "nessa, who?" nessa rubs her arm, "it was bryce."

julia's face turns from curiosity to anger in just seconds, "what. you're kidding me right? how did he find out?!"

nessa shrugs, "i don't know, he just knows."

julia knew who told him. it was her, but she couldn't believe that she trusted him.

julia walks to her room, grabbing her keys and walking back into her front door, putting on her shoes.

nessa furrows her brows, "what are you doing?" julia grabs her phone, opening her door.

"we're going to pay brycey a little visit." julia smiles bitterly.

"we?" nessa questions, seeing as julia was already out the door. she sighs, walking out as well.


NESSA PARKS THE CAR IN FRONT OF THE GATE THAT LEADS UP TO sway. she and julia had already asked blake to open the gate for them.

julia and nessa walk up the driveway. julia practically stomped all the way up to the front door.

she knocked on the door. when noah opened the door, julia allowed herself in. she smiles at noah, "hey noah, its good to see you again. im here to see bryce balls."

noah smiles, "hey jules, and nessa. bryce is upstairs in his room."

julia nods, "thank you." julia grabs nessa's hand, leading her up the stairs.

julia knocks on bryce's door. she stands there with an angry expression.

nessa stands behind her, still holding her hand. when the door opens, julia is met by a smiling bryce.

she lets go of nessa's hand, using her hand to slap bryce in the face, "you little fucker!"

"ow! what was that for?!" bryce places a hand on his cheek, looking back over to julia.

"for telling josh i kissed nessa! you asshole!" julia yells, poking at bryce's chest.

bryce's eyes go wide, "well— well someone had to tell him, i knew you weren't going too!"

julia huffs, "really? cause last i checked i was going to tell him, but i was stopped by a nosy bryce hall!"

bryce shrugs, "get over it julia!" julia raises her eyebrow, "get over it? get over it?! how the fuck am i supposed to get over it?! huh! how?!"

"you told him when it wasn't your move, you asshole!" she continues to yell.

after moments of silence, julia finally decides to speak, "bryce, what happened to you? you were my best friend, i trusted you with my secret, i told you for multiple reasons."

bryce shrugs, "i don't know why you did."

julia nods, "neither do i. but i guess we all make mistakes, don't we?" she laughs quietly, "i'm gonna go."

as she and nessa walk closer to the door, julia turns around, "oh, and bryce?" he turns to look at her.

"i just wanna let you know.." she breaths out, "that you have officially lost my trust."

she walks out with nessa.


i didn't know who
to use as the person
who told josh so i used

i'm making more books,
but there are two people
i wanna make it about
and i don't know who to
make it about first.
help me decide,

out of these two,
sadie sink or vinnie hacker??
because once this story is done,
ima need to entertain y'all w a new one.

choose and let me know in the
comments bbs.<33
love you guys.<33

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