part 19

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The game was being held at the government gymnasium, larger than your school's. It was all packed with the audience from both schools and other general public. You sit next to Jungyeon, tapping your foot against the concrete aggressively, being anxious. You were worried about the results and at the same time about Taehyung's well-being during the whole game. Taehyung cannot slack off the whole time. The team needs him and Jaehyun needs him by his side.

The game had started with your team already losing at gaining the ball when it was tossed up in the air. The opponent player was taller than Jaehyun, so he was able to grab it and immediately pass it over to another team member.

That made you, Jungyeon and the whole school's audience nervous. 

At the end of the first 12 minute-period, the score was actually not disappointing. 4 points of the opponent team and 3 of your team. Everyone was watching the match with their hearts in their hands. Everytime your school made a point, the audience cheered unbelievably louder to encourage and appreciate the players.

The second 12 minute-period suddenly took a great downfall, ending your school's team with 9 baskets less than the opponent's. The tension between the players was it's highest but still Jaehyun was succeeding at cheering everyone up. Taehyung already looked very tired but was very far from giving up.

It was halftime. Jaehyun had called a meeting to discuss the altered strategy for further game with the team. You exchange reassuring glances with Taehyung before the halftime comes to an end and both teams get back to the court.

The 3rd quarter starts with your team winning to get a grab of the ball this time and there's a sudden improvement in their game. Looks are being exchanged, requests of passing the ball are being screamed but that only ends up confusing the opponent team because your players didn't really go with what they said.

If one player screams at another to pass the ball at them, the second player runs at him as requested but as soon as the opponent team try to block the first person, the mission is completed and the ball is being tossed to the third person for whom it was actually meant for. Jaehyun's strategy was being praised by so many people there, making you and your school proud of him. At the same time the duo of Taehyung and Jaehyun was also impressive and stunning to watch. 

At the end of the third quarter, the score only had a difference of 4 baskets. Your team is still lacking behind. But they are now bucking up. Everything was just improving when you all watched the captain of the opposing team feed into the motivation of his team by discussing something very secretively with them. It worries each and every one of you, even the team, but Taehyung and Jaehyun remain calm knowing what they are doing.

The final quarter begins and all of you hold onto your breaths waiting for those 12 minutes to get over that too in your team's favour. 9 minutes had passed away. Your team had gotten closer to the other team's score leaving a gap of 2 points. Still 3 points are to be made to win. The opponents defense strategy had suddenly changed, ending up giving your team a very hard time. Making 3 baskets in 3 minutes to win seemed equal to impossible but the hope still didn't leave. Everyone from the audience of other team's had already started celebrating knowing it's not possible to gain 3 points in 3 minutes when your school's team  just ended up scoring only two points in 9 minutes.

The situation on the court had gotten intense. With one minute left of the clock, Taehyung had succeeded to snatch the ball from the other team but then noticed that every other player of his team was blocked by the opponents. One in front of each. Taehyung looked at his distance from the basket and analysed every member's position quickly. 

"You can do it, Taehyung!" Your school started screaming and chanting, giving him a sudden boost.

After analyzing the situation, Taehyung moves his eyes around, finding Jaehyun and is soon able to navigate him. He makes eye contact with Jaehyun and passes him a look, looking at which Jaehyun immediately understands what Taehyung was trying to say.

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