part 10

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"I should go home now. Mom texted me asking where I am" you say looking at Jaehyun, who was looking in the opposite direction.

He listens to you and nods, avoiding eye contact.

"Jaehyun" you hold his forearm, wanting him to look at you.

"Jaehyun, look at me-"

"Do you think if you never left me, we could have had what you and Taehyung have?" He cuts you off and suddenly looks at you with dampened eyes. His under eyes, ears and tip of the nose had turned rosy due sudden gush of emotions. 

"How long are you going to wait for Taehyung? It's been months!" He raises his voice but it turns out to be a little shaky.

"Jaehyun!" You immediately take his hand into yours and hold it tight. "Please don't be like this. Don't say all this. You are scaring me"

"I am scared of losing you, Y/N" "But I guess I will have to deal with it. I can't force you to love me, right?" 

"Jaehyun, what happened to you suddenly?" You get scared seeing him having a breakdown for the first time in your life. 

"Why do you have to be so brutally honest? You could have lied and said that you just love him and not that you love him more than anyone else, Y/N!" he was trying so hard to not let those tears pooled in his eyes roll out.

Not being able to think of anything to speak, you just look at him, widening your eyes, being extremely worried about Jaehyun who had never shown himself so weak before.

Silence takes place between you guys while you two just look at each other being heartbroken. A few seconds later Jaehyun starts to look around your face and brushes your cheeks for a second with the back of his index finger.

"You are so beautiful" with water in his eyes, he still manages to smile looking in your eyes. "I love your dark eyes" he starts to genuinely admire you as if he is seeing you for the first time.

He had started being very unexpected out of nowhere. 

"Even if you aren't mine now, I'm glad that you first loved me and not anyone else" he brushes your hair out your face gently and softly. "I just want you to be happy, Y/N. With or without me" he starts smiling and gazing at you for a few seconds but all of a sudden looks away and sniffs. Your heart was in a million pieces by now.

"Your mom is texting you again. You should go home" he pointed his eyes at your blinking phone but you were too concentrated on Jaehyun's condition to care about the text. "Even I need to leave. My friends are waiting for me" he holds your hand and rubs the back of it before getting up.

"See you at school tomorrow. Good night, Y/N. Go home safely" shoving his hands in his pockets at the back, he takes one last gaze at you and leaves you.

You were so disturbed and affected by Jaehyun's unexpected breakdown, it was clearly visible on your face. That evening you walked slowly on your way home, thinking about how badly you had broken Jaehyun's heart. If you were at his place, you would have slipped into severe depression by now. You started hating yourself from that moment.


“And that’s why my mother fired the milkman. What’s his fault that I am pretty? I feel bad for him” Jungyeon sighs.

Jungyeon was talking to you, telling you about an incident but you were too lost in last night's moment to hear her.

“The first period is about to start, where is Jaehyun?” You ask after checking the entrance for a millionth time.

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