part 3

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You somehow got past all the classes and now it was a sports period. Everyone went to their respective courts and rooms for practice. 

Halfway through the class, Jaehyun walked to the gymnasium where the main indoor basketball court was located. He stood near the stands where other viewers were watching an ongoing match between two divisions of the same class.

"Damn he plays well" a few guys standing behind Jaehyun say watching the game.

"Shit, did you see that twisted pass?! No wonder he is an ace player" another guy speaks and this intrigues Jaehyun.

He starts to watch the so-called ace player more carefully.

"Jeez, Kim Taehyung!"

"His game has turned into aggressive one"

"I know right! He turns into a beast as soon as he steps onto court and plays so fucking mercilessly against the other team"

"Didn't he start to play this way after Y/N broke up with him?"

"You are right. All because of that girl"

"But even if that's the case he has channelised his heartbreak in a positive way. This aggression of his was the major reason our school won all 3 basketball championships last quarter"

"No doubt!"

As soon as Jaehyun comes to know about Taehyung and you, his perception literally flips. Now he isn't watching Taehyung carefully but rather critically, being alert. He suddenly clenches his jaw and holds the aggression throughout the whole game, with his eyes not leaving Taehyung even once.

After watching Taehyung's team win swiftly and smoothly, he walks up to the coach for the reason he had come here in the first place.

"Coach" Jaehyun speaks firmly, grabbing the coaches attention.


"I'm Jeong Jaehyun. Just got transferred here from Samyang High. What's the process to join the basketball team which will be representing our school at the upcoming country level inter-school championship?" He asks.

"Have you ever played before?" The coach questions.

"I was the captain of Samyang High for 3 consecutive years and while I was there, our school won many inter-school matches in the city," Jaehyun answers.

"Samyang high. I've heard of it. It's got great basketball players"

"Yes, Sir"

"Jaehyun, unfortunately I don't anymore decide the players who make it to the final cut of the team. It's the captain's decision. Kim Taehyung from senior year, Division A. You can go talk to him if you are interested in playing in the team" the coach informs.

"I see" listening to that, Jaehyun ends up biting his inner cheek, enduring the building rage. "Thank you, Coach"

After bowing down to the Coach, he heads to the men's room where everyone was getting changed as the period was almost over.

After entering the room, he searches for Taehyung. Almost all the students had left by the time so he easily finds him in the last aisle of the lockers.

"Kim Taehyung" Jaehyun speaks assertively standing at the end of the aisle with his hands in his pockets.

Taehyung, who just slid back into his school uniform, looks in the direction of the voice being unbothered.

"Right?" Jaehyun smirks and walks up to him.

"What do you want?" Taehyung rolls his eyes and starts storing his stuff back into the locker, not once looking at Jaehyun afterwards.

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