Listening to that, the other players exchange glances, stunned. You and Jungyeon both stand up from your seats being shocked. The coach seems to be moved too but Jaehyun, on the other side, scoffs at Taehyung's words.

"Shut up, dude. Stop bullshiting. No one can take your place. End of discussion. Guys, let's go back to practice and you, Taehyung! Go sit down and take some rest" Jaehyun starts dribbling the ball while walking away.

"I didn't not ask for your permission, I just ordered you to lead the team for this final game and if you don't listen to me, I won't be participating in this match!" Taehyung groans, making Jaehyun stop on his feet, making him realize that Taehyung is way too serious and firm on his decision.

"Jaehyun. I think I agree with Taehyung here. You have all the qualities of being a captain and leading the team. You should give it a chance. We all believe in you" the coach walks towards Jaehyun.

"Give it a chance? We don't have a chance to take it. It's the finale. It's either win or lose. Plus, I don't have any experience in leading a team at a country level tournament" Jaehyun still holds onto his refusal.

"Well then it's your debut. Everyone is going to watch you lead the team that will bring the trophy to our school. Look, I trust you and I never take chances with such serious stuff. I know what I am doing. Just say yes, c'mon!" Taehyung persists.

Jaehyun throws the ball on the court with no disrespect, looks in a random direction with his hand in his hair and thinks for a minute. "Alright" he matches his eyes with Taehyung. "Let's get done and dusted with this" He clenches his jaw.

Taehyung smirks and nods at him being satisfied and relieved. Now the team is back on its track. Everyone gathers for a team meeting where Jaehyun explains the strategies he has in his mind and they all soon land up with one. The best one. 

After school, Taehyung meets you at the parking lot.

"Are you feeling good?" You speak, watching Taehyung walk towards you with slow steps.

He just nods slightly, not having the energy to speak. As soon as he reaches you, he lets himself loose on you. Hugging you, he relaxes and puts all his weight on you. You immediately grab him uptight after hugging him back.

"You are so cold" he almost whispers with low energy.

"You are very warm" you reply with a chuckle.

"Uhm…." He rests his face on your shoulder, letting his features crush into your skin. 



"You did the right thing" you speak referring to what he did in the gymnasium.

Listening to that, he adjusts his face and buries it deeply into the crook of your neck. As soon as you feel his lips against your skin, you hug him tighter before kissing his head.

"I am proud of you" you smile into his warmth.

He takes a few seconds to gather the energy to finally speak something. "I love you" you feel him giving up with the gathering energy thing as you feel his warm breath against your skin. It makes you break out in a sweet huff.

"I love you too, Tae" 

"Ah the couple is lovey dovey again" Jungyeon arrives with Jaehyun, who is trying not to look directly at you and Taehyung while you are having your moment.

"Aisshh" Taehyung suddenly straightens up, turns his head at Jungyeon and curses her for ruining the moment with the teasy comment of hers.

"I'll see you guys tomorrow?" Jaehyun speaks with a small goodbye smile, unlocking his car.

"See you tomorrow, leader-nim" you chuckle at your words and so does Jungyeon.

Taehyung hits a wave at Jaehyun before going back to his place in your arms.

"Ah get a room guys" Jungyeon shakes her head playfully.


On the day of the game

You and Jungyeon were waiting outside the boys room for Taehyung and Jaehyun to come out. After hearing a loud cheer from in there, the team starts to walk out of the room and your eyes search for Taehyung.

"Tae!" You call him as soon as you see him coming out of the room, wearing his Jersey.

"Yah, Jeong Jaehyun!" Jungyeon calls Jaehyun after he exits the room too.

"You two, all the best" you and Jungyeon wish them two, goodluck.

"Thanks, babe, Jungyeon" Taehyung smiles at you two. 

Jaehyun just rolls his eyes.

"You are going to be fine" You hold Taehyung's hand and slightly shake it. He gazes at you being at peace, seeing you there with him and nods.

"Jaehyun, I have seen you play, I know you are going to do a great job on the court today" you playfully punch his stomach. 

Listening to that, a small appears on his face seeing you trust him. He then nods slightly and blinks at you with assurance.

"Ah group hug!" saying that, Jungyeon pushes you and Taehyung into each other, then wraps her arms around you two tightly. 

A second later of laughing, you, Taehyung and Jungyeon hug each other while Jaehyun with the smile on his face, admires you three and your relationship with each other. Just like a small happy unbreakable family.

Just when he was about to step away, letting you guys have your moment, Taehyung grabs Jaehyun's forearm and pulls him into the hug.

"Where are you going? She just said, it's a group hug and it's incomplete without you, J" Taehyung speaks with all seriousness and almost scolds Jaehyun.

"Exactly! Get in here" you make space for Jaehyun.

"WE ARE GOING TO WIN THIS ONE TOO and then go eat tteokbokki together. All four of us" Jungyeon declares after the hug and matches her eyes with Jaehyun while saying the last words. Seeing her include him in them, Jaehyun nods as a thank you and passes a genuine smile.

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