Chapter 7: The reaping

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It has been four months since my wedding and it's the day of the reaping. I am eight months pregnant and I will be heading into the games because it's the right thing to do. Adrien doesn't know still. No one except my father, aunt Jo, and Finnick. I didn't tell my mom or brother because they would just cry and it would make Adrien suspicious. Adrien and I are getting changed into our best outfit and I pick a black dress that is so loose that it doesn't show my belly. 

Diana's outfit

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Diana's outfit

"Are you ready Adrien?" I ask my husband from the living room and he is upstairs. 

"Yes, I will be right down," Adrien says. He runs down the stairs and gives me a small kiss on the lips. I grab his hand and we walk out of the house to the square. We walk with my parents, brother, sister, and grandparents behind us. Everyone has to be registered today because we had the option to pick someone older than 18. we get checked in and stand in the crowd. Once everyone was registered, Adrien and I had to go up to Effie and give her the papers. I hand her mine and I stand there. Adrien begins to walk back but turns around. 

"Babe? What are you doing, we have to go back," Adrien says. 

"I need to stay here. You will understand in a minute," I say. I look at Effie and she sees the look in my eyes. She knows I'm sacrificing myself. Adrien walks back and he keeps his eyes on me. Effie goes to the microphone and opens the paper. 

"The female tribute for the 100th hunger games is Diana Mellark," Effie says with tears in her eyes. I walk toward her and look at Adrien. He looks pissed and sad at the same time. Effie opens the other paper. 

"The male tribute for the 100th hunger games is Peeta mellark," Effie says. I feel tears form in my eyes. My father walks up on stage and we look back at our family. They all are crying. Effie rips up the papers and holds up three fingers on her left hand. I do the same thing with my metal arm. Everyone does it too. Head peacekeeper Hathowne comes and grabs my arm. I grab his hand and flip him. He now lies on the ground. I look at his face with tears in my eyes. 

"You are not touching me or taking me straight to the train. I get to say goodbye to my family," I say. He nods his head with fear. I move so he can get up and my father and I go into the justice building. We both go into the room I was in just a year ago. We sit together. I look at my dad and find a tear going down his face. 

"Dad, why did you have Adrien write your name? I know you told him to put you," I say. Adrien would never write my father's name without a reason. 

"I knew you were going to go in and I knew I had to protect you so you could win and go home to your husband and have a family. I already got that chance and you shouldn't strip that from your life," Peeta says. The door bursts open and our family comes in. Adrien comes up to me. He stares at me for a minute then he slaps me in the face. I whimper from the pain and look at him with hurt feelings. He realizes what he just did but he was too late. I grab his throat and push him up onto the wall. He hits his head on the wall and looks at me with sadness. 

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