Chapter 4: Dad, I'm..... Adrien, I'm.....

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We are home! We got home about a month ago. I had the doctor ask Calix to make me some special clothes. He doesn't know why but he made them anyway. I have been hiding my pregnancy as much as I can but I have to tell someone. Adrien went out into the woods with his dad today and I am spending the day painting with my father. I want to paint the baby room but he doesn't know about the baby. I am going to tell him before we get started. I am making breakfast right when I hear a knock on the door. I go and open it and find my father holding my seven-week-old sister. Rosetta. I smile and let them in. I hold my sister and my father goes to the table. I follow slowly behind. I still am tired. I bounce my sister in my arms and she giggles. 

"Hey, baby sister. You have gotten big," I say. I go over to my father and find him taking bread out of the oven. 

"You almost burned your breakfast," Peeta says. 

"I'm not eating. I made it for you. I didn't know you would bring Rosetta," I say. 

"You need to eat. Come on, I will butter it for you," He says. He goes into the refrigerator and pulls out the butter. He butters our pieces of bread. He then takes the pot I have on the stove and pours some tea. I get dizzy a little when he pours the tea but not as bad as when Adrien pours his coffee. He sees me grab the chair I was standing by and close my eyes. 

"Are you alright? You haven't been acting like yourself since you got back from the tour," Peeta says. 

"There is something I need to tell you. I haven't told anyone else you know," I say. I sit down and he sits in the chair next to me. He takes my sister and I look down. I can't do this. How do I tell my father, who just had another kid that he is going to become a grandfather before his youngest turns one. 

"You can tell me anything. Please tell me what is bothering you," Peeta insists. 

"Adrien and I did some stuff on the train that I am not proud of and it is going to make you a grandfather before your youngest turns one," I say in a soft tone. My father's eyes widen. He heard me. Shit. I stand up and start to walk out of the room because I know my father disapproves. I am stopped when someone grabs my wrist. Those soft hands I know anywhere. I turn around and find my father pulling me into a hug with a huge smile on his face. 

"I don't care if you have my first grandkid at the age of eighteen. I care that you are happy and starting a family. Adrien must be so excited," Peeta says. I look down and feel tears roll down my face. 

"Dad, he doesn't know. He has been a little clueless to it all. I told him at the party in the capital but he was too drunk to remember. I even told the doctor on the train to not tell him when he gave me the antidote for the poison the president gave me that night," I say. 

"The president poisoned you?" Peeta asks. I nod. He gives me Rosetta and he starts pacing around the room. 

"The president wants me dead. She believes I hold the spark that made the rebellion with you and mom. I don't know. I honestly have thought of it a lot but I only go back to the thought of me dying for Adrien. A guy already died because of my rebellious action and he was very special to aunt Jo," I say. My aunt is staying with my grandparents at the moment. Finnick had to go back to district four about two weeks ago. 

"Your talking about your speech in seven. What happened?" Peeta asks me. We sit down and I tell him everything I told everyone on the train. My father is holding his head in his hands when I finish. 

"This is how it started with your mother and the rebellion. I think it will die down. We just can't start a war all over again after eighteen years," Peeta says. 

"I know, I don't plan on starting a war," I say. My father looks at me with confusion. 

"I am not like mom, I am trying to look for reason but the President just thinks of me as a younger version of mom. I was told by mom herself that the president doesn't like her because she wouldn't vote for her if there was ever an election. She just got away with being president because mom still thought that it was snow who killed those people and aunt Prim," I say. 

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