Chapter 3: No! Yes!

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I can't get the picture of that man's bleeding head out of my mind. It has been two weeks since we were in district seven. Aunt Johana came with us on our tours and when we got to district four so did my cousin. For the past week, I have been waking up later than usual and having to run to the bathroom to puke out my guts. Today we are arriving in the capital. Adrien doesn't know what happened in district seven. He was pushed inside the building and since the war, the capital made all the doors on the justice buildings soundproof and bombproof. I am the only one on the train that knows about what happened. I wake up again this morning and have to run to the bathroom. I puke out the wonderful dinner I had yesterday. When I finish, I look back at my boyfriend and see he is still sleeping on the bed. I don't understand how I haven't woken him up yet with all this noise. I go and grab some clothes and go into the shower. We have our interview with caesar today at two. Then we go back to the train and get ready for the masquerade ball Effie made in honor of our victory. After I shower I walk out of the bathroom and find Adrien awake on the side of the bed holding clothes in his hands. I smile and walk over to him. I kiss him and he kisses me. Just so you know, I brushed my teeth before coming out here so he doesn't smell my puke breath. 

"Morning darling," I say when I pull away. 

"Morning baby. You excited for tonight?" Adrien asks me. 

"I don't really know. Could we sneak away at some point?" I ask him. 

"Yeah, if we don't get caught," Adrien says. I smile. He gets off the bed and goes into the bathroom. I leave the room and go to the dining car. My aunt and cousin are already there. I sit at the table and only put fruit on my plate. I haven't been very hungry lately either. 

"Good morning D," Finnick says. 

"Good morning Finnick," I say. 

"Why are you only having fruit? You should eat something other than that," Johana says. 

"I am okay. I'm not hungry," I say. My aunt pours a cup of coffee next to me and I begin to feel dizzy. I stand up and walk out into the hall. I hear the door open behind me and see my aunt. She walks over to me and rubs my back. 

"Are you sure you are okay? Your face went pale and you had to leave when I poured my coffee," Johanna says. 

"I don't know. Can I look through your bathroom for something?" I ask her. She might have what I need. 

"Sure, you should come back after and have some breakfast," Johana says. I nod and head for her room. I go into her bathroom and the cabinet under the sink. I find the box labeled pregnancy test. I open it and grab one. I sit on her toilet and urinate on it. I wait for five minutes. When time is up I feel really nervous to look but I look anyway. It's positive. No! I can't be pregnant. I can't bring a kid into this world as my parents risked. I can't. I run over to the window of my aunt's bedroom and throw the test out the window. I walk out of her room and go to the dining car. Everyone is there now and I sit in my seat playing with my fruit. Everyone is in the middle of a conversation till Adrien brings me into a conversation I didn't want to have. 

"Diana, I have seen that you're very down lately. What's wrong? What happened in Seven?" Adrien asks me. I look at him with wide eyes, then have to close them as the picture of the man's dead body goes through my head. I start crying out of nowhere and I have to look away from him. 

"A peacekeeper went out and grabbed the guy who sang my song and pulled him up on the stage. Another peacekeeper pushed me against the wall, held me there, and made sure I had a good view of what was about to happen. They pushed Adrien into the building and after that.....After that... the peacekeeper with the man pulled out his gun and shot the guy in the head. I cried but the peacekeeper held his hand on my mouth and nose and forced me to lose consciousness. I remember feeling someone pick me up and the next thing I know it was the next morning and we were headed to district eleven," I say. Everyone is now looking at me with tears in their eyes. I can't take this anymore and I walk out of the room. I go to a car filled with tarps on the wall and paint everywhere. I begin working on a new painting. 

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